Brussels, 14 October 2020

Today at a joint press conference at 13:00 the European Commissioner for Energy Kadri Simson and Commision's Executive Vice-President Frans Timmermans announced the long-awaited Renovation wave strategy aiming at doubling the rate of deep energy renovation of European buildings, meaning to renovate 35 million building units by 2030. Simson cited the broad consensus of Member states to support deep renovation and referred to some ambitious national renovation plans in EU countries, like France and the Netherlands. The renovation wave shall contribute to the EU goals of cutting CO2 by 60% by 2050.

Decarbonising buildings including the heating and cooling systems is at the heart of the strategy, stressed the Commissioner on questions form the press. Timmermans added that Europe needs a holistic view regarding decarbonisation, it is not only about buildings, but a large-scale transformation by greening cities and creating the necessary energy infrastructure to achieve our climate goals. The plan will focus on the worst performing building stock and the most vulnerable citizens.

“We are very glad to see the ambitious details of the Renovation wave strategy,” said Anita Derjanecz, REHVA Managing Director. “The Renovation wave is as a huge opportunity for our sector to improve indoor environment quality along energy performance of our buildings. The strategy focuses financial resources on deep energy renovation especially in the public and residential sectors, targeting public buildings, schools, and hospitals. I hope it will govern the high quality and ambitious implementation in member states. I also welcome that the strategy acknowledges the key role of independent technical assistance in quality and upscaling or renovation.”

The Renovation Plan was published today on the EC website.  High health and environmental standards and ensuring high air quality is among the key principles of the renovation wave, along Energy efficiency first principle, Life cycle thinking and circularity, Decarbonisation and integration of renewables and the green digital transformation.

Read the Press release of the EC on the Renovation wave.






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