Prof. Dr. Yury Tabunschikov is granted by VDI, the insignia of 'Corresponding Membership'  during their executive boardmeeting on November 21, 2012.

This high VDI distinction is awarded only in exceptional circumstances. Prof. Tabunschikov - president of ABOK, REHVA's national representative from Russia - became his award amongst others for his outstanding research work in the field of constructional physics and building services, and his great contribution to come to international cooperation in our field. He did important translation work for VDI-guidelines, and REHVA dictionary. Prof. Tabunschikov is Head of the Engineering Department at the Moscow Architectural Institute (State Academy). REHVA is proud to have him on board as delegate of ABOK and congratulates him (and Marianna Brodatch) with this recognition.

Prof. Tabunschikov (left) receives VDI-Corresponding Membership, from prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Bruno O. Braun, president VDI.

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