This web policy session was part of the extended programme of the EUSEW - European Sustainable Energy Week, and took place on Thursday, 18th June 2020 from 12h00 to 13h30 (CEST). The organising team is thankful to have had the web session hosted by the Build Up portal. This year's EUSEW went fully digital and focused on "BEYOND THE CRISIS: CLEAN ENERGY FOR GREEN RECOVERY AND GROWTH".


REHVA, via its projects QUEST and U-CERT, co-organized this web policy session "Energy transition: new business models to de-risk investments and kick start the EU building renovation wave".

Check out here the full description, agenda and get to know the top experts that delivered a very interactive session.

This web policy session was part of the extended programme of the EUSEW - European Sustainable Energy Week, on Thursday, 18th June 2020 from 12h00 to 13h30 (CEST). The organising team is thankful to have the web session hosted by the Build Up portal. This year's EUSEW went fully digital and focused on "BEYOND THE CRISIS: CLEAN ENERGY FOR GREEN RECOVERY AND GROWTH".

Along with other five H2020 funded projects (Launch, QualitEE, SENSEI, Triple-A, NOVICE):

  • QUEST tackled the building renovation wave from the business and financing perspective, showcasing innovative tools and business models that are being developed by the session's organizers. QUEST was presented by the project coordinator Stefan Plesser (synavision GmbH), that introduced quality management as a tool to de-risk real estate investments.
  • U-CERT project's coordinator, Simona D'Oca, illustrated how national Energy Performance Certificates could become a trustworthy multidimensional tool (e.g. political, financial and technical) for de-risking investments to kick-start EU’s building renovation wave. This is already feasible today by meaningfully integrating the Smart Readiness Indicator for Buildings and the set of CEN ISO Energy Performance of Buildings (EPB) standards.

Interaction was maximised having the listening part digitalised and made available prior to the actual session:


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