Tim Wentz and Jaap Hogeling signed on June 25th, 2017 on behalf of ASHRAE and REHVA a renewed MoU between ASHRAE and REHVA.
REHVA supports the globalisation of our HVAC&R professional world. Both organisations express the wish to extend the global reach and better support its membership. This was also the background of the formation of a new ASHRAE Region in Europe – Region XIV, which started July 1st, 2017.
This agreement, in line with the ones REHVA signed with its other international partners, will increase the knowledge mutual transfer from the societies and organisation between North America and Europe, will outline how the groups will work together more closely to continue furthering and promoting the advancements of HVAC&R technologies. These include but are not limited to: research; joint conferences and meetings; training and workshop programs; publication distribution and other form of collaboration.
Find here the MoU signed.