The – meanwhile traditional – REHVA cocktail on Monday afternoon, at the ASHRAE winter meeting was again very successful. The size of the reception room, with over 120 REHVA friends and other distinguished VIP’s all over the world, was obvious too small, the CO₂ concentration too high but never mind, you could perfectly stay with your glass outside the room in one of the Palmer House’ corridors. REHVA’s President Karel Kabele and his spouse Jitka, Jan Aufderheijde, Secretary General and the board members Manuel Gameiro da Silva, Egils Dzelzitis and Stefano Corgnati welcomed on behalf of REHVA our guests. ‘Repeat and repeat’ is a well-known advertisement slogan, and so REHVA did, and the latest REHVA journal, REHVA leaflets and information regarding the World Sustainable Energy Days, from 25-27 February 2015 in Wels/ Austria, were available to take away on the many tables. We wish to say ‘thank you’ to ASHRAE for their operational support and VDI-GBG and AHGWTEL/LATVAC, 2 REHVA members, for their financial support. REHVA hop (3x).