The – now traditional – REHVA cocktail on Monday afternoon, at the ASHRAE winter meeting was again very successful. As usual it was the place to be on Monday afternoon, the room was quite crowded. REHVA’s President Karel Kabele and his spouse Jitka, Jan Aufderheijde, Secretary General, President elect Stefano Corgnati and the board members Manuel Gameiro da Silva, Egils Dzelzitis and Frank Hovarka welcomed on behalf of REHVA our guests. ‘Repeat and repeat’ is a well known advertisement slogan, and so REHVA did, and the latest REHVA journal, REHVA leaflets and information regarding CLIMA 2016, were available to take away on the many tables. We wish to say ‘thank you’ to ASHRAE for their operational support and VDI-GBG and Eurovent-Certita Certification, a REHVA member and a REHVA supporter respectively, for their financial support. REHVA hop (3x).
Prof. Karel Kabele, REHVA President