During the latest ASHRAE winter meeting 2015, REHVA invited her sister organizations with an existing Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) and present in Chicago, to evaluate the past and to discuss about future options for collaboration.

In this series, there were talks with ASHRAE; IIR; ISHRAE (India); SAREK (Korea) and SHASE (Japan). As part of the REHVA delegation, also two representatives of the next REHVA congress, CLIMA 2016 in Aalborg/Denmark (Prof. Per Heiselberg [Aalborg Univ.] and Jørn Flohr Schultz [DANVAC]) were attending these meetings, to be able to inform as much as possible about this upcoming worldwide congress of REHVA. (for more info please visit www.clima2016.org).

REHVA announced to its partners the idea of a ‘REHVA World Student Competition’ for Master students, champions in such a competition in their own country starting with such a competition during the Clima 2016 in Aalborg. In all these meetings there was a very positive approach to participate into this REHVA initiative. Other items on the agenda were REHVA’s efforts regarding the REHVA Dictionary, the online glossary of REHVA, with around 12000 terms in the field of building services in 14 languages, and the series of REHVA Guidebooks both exertions of REHVA volunteers, ‘from professionals for professionals’. (www.rehva.eu/publications-and-resources/hvac-dictionary)


Discussed was: ‘How to translate a REHVA guidebook in our national language, or how to add our language as a Dictionary language?

Prof Kato, SHASE President and Prof Kabele REHVA President

REHVA and SAREK representatives

REHVA and ASHRAE Representatives

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