Each year, REHVA awards students from its Member Associations during the REHVA Student Competition. Bachelor or Master students nominated by each Member Association can compete presenting their thesis on indoor environmental quality, energy balance, heating/cooling/ventilation systems, building services or any other topic directly related with REHVA's activity.
Under the leadership of Manuel Gameiro da Silva, REHVA Vice-President from Portugal, the REHVA Student Competition was held, online due to the current conditions, on the 11th of January 2020. An impressive pool of talents presented their thesis to our Jury. We congratulate the overall quality of the works presented and the resilience of the student to present in such conditions.
REHVA thanks its sponsor Eurovent Certita Certification for their loyal support to this competition once again.
This year, the sixteen representatives from 14 different countries took a part in the competition. Paulo Fernandes from Portugal presented his work on Energy Potential in Using a Bypass to the AHU’s Heat Recovery System. The Netherlands has been represented by Maaike Leichsenring presenting her work on Flow Visualization of Ammonia inside a Corrugated Plate Heat Exchanger Condenser. Czech Republic was represented this year by David Stanek, he presented his work on Reuse of waste heat from IT equipment. Denmark has been represented by a team of two students, Amalie Dokkedal Jensen and Cathrine Schermer Riis presented their work on Modification of the Comfort Equation by P.O. Fanger for Elderly People. Also, Turkey was presented this year by a team of two students, Basak Dere and Zeynep Hazal Gumusluol, presented their work on Numerical and Experimental Analysis of Innovative Greenhouse Air Conditioning System. Representative from Romania, Mihai Baiceanu presented his work on Experimental and simulation performance investigation of a hybrid PV/T solar panel. Representative from Serbia, Damir Kovcic, presented his work on Faculty of Technical Sciences Department of Energy and Process Engineering University of Novi Sad; Anastasija Zeiza-Seleznova from Latvia presented her work on Impact of flue gas recirculation on the efficiency of hot-water boilers; Asur Pablo Menéndez Inchusta from Spain presented his work on Experimental characterization of a transcritical CO2 vapor compression system with thermoelectric subcooling; Tej Zizak from Slovenia presented his work on Guidelines for Single-side Airing of Primary School Classrooms during Breaks. Representative from Italy, Anna Cazzola presented her work on Photovoltaic cogeneration to activate a double source heat pump. Helena Kuivjogi from Estonia presented her work on Patients and surgical staff thermal comfort in operating rooms at St. Olavs Hospital in Norway. Representative from France, Aurore Wurtz presented her work on Application of life cycle assessment to a building sample in order to help in projects evaluation. And Slovakia’s Martina Mudrá presented her work on Application of Alternative
Energy Sources in a District Heating System.
The Jury was composed by Manuel Gameiro da Silva (Portugal), Jorma Säteri (Finland), Murat Çakan (Turkey), Francis Allard (France), Prof. Ivan Chmúrny (Slovakia), Karel Kabele (Czech Republic), Robert Gavriliuc (Romania) and Ivo Martinac.
After very intense deliberation, the jury declared winner Maaike Leichsenring from The Netherlands for her work on “Flow Visualization of Ammonia inside a Corrugated Plate Heat Exchanger Condenser”. The second prize was awarded to David Stanek from Czech Republic and the third prize was awarded to Asur Pablo Menéndez Inchusta from Spain.
And for the first time, a new award was attributed. The best poster award was given to Maaike Leichsenring,
Manuel Gameiro da Silva thanked all contributors for their excellent work, emphasized the high quality of the works presented and the members of the jury for their excellent task.