Manuel Gameiro da Silva, in the sequence of an invitation in the framework of the MoU signed between FAIAR and REHVA, has represented REHVA in the CIAR 2019, the XV Congreso Iberoamericano de Aire Acondicionado y Refrigeración, which was held from 8th to 10th of May 2019, in Santiago do Chile.

Before the congress, in the morning of the 8th of May 2019, it took place the General Assembly of FAIAR, in the headquarters building of the Chilean Chamber of Refrigeration and Climatization (CCRyC) with the presence of the delegations of the national associations members of FAIAR. Manuel Gameiro da Silva has been invited to attend the meeting and to deliver an institutional presentation of REHVA . In the sequence of his presentation, the launch of a joint task force between REHVA and FAIAR, with the objective of reviewing the Rehva Guidebook 14 about Indoor Climate Quality Assessment has been adressed. There is a common interest of both federations in this topic, because there are two normative documents recently published (EN 16798-1 Standard and the proposal of an Ibero American  Indoor Air Quality standard). It has been decided to start the process of the creation of a task force in the Clima 2019 coference in Bucharest during the REHVA TRC Meeting.

The congress has been very sucessful with the presence of more than 500 participants addressing very interesting topics in the HVAC area. In paralel a technical exibition with the presence of important industrial companies and other institutions active in the area was also taking place in the congress venue. During the congress days the relationship between REHVA and ABRAVA, the Brazilian HVAC association were also addressed during informal meetings with the members of the direction board of this association.

The conference gala dinner, which provided very good oportunities to establish new connections with the delegates from all the Latin American countries present in the confrence, represented a magnificient cultural activity with an outstanding travel through the dancing and singing traditions along the long Chilean territory.

Manuel Gameiro da Silva delivered also a scientific communication entitled «Evaluación y comunicación de la calidad ambiental en interiores” in a technical session of the congress about Indoor Environmental Quality. The support of the members of Atecyr board in the dissemination of Rehva vision and strategy during this congress should be gently recognized and acknowledged.

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