2nd plenary stakeholders meeting
Save the Date ! When: 23 November 2022, from 09.30 to 12.00 (CET), online
The SRI platform serves to promote and support the testing and implementation of the SRI. It gathers Member States and all stakeholders interested in the SRI to facilitate interaction and discussion on technical, regulatory and implementation aspects of the SRI.
This meeting will provide an update on the work achieved over the past months to support SRI roll-out in Europe. It will also present the work plan of the three Working Groups of the platform which are now up and running:
- Group 1: Member State SRI test phase
- Group 2: Maintenance & potential extension of the SRI calculation methodology
- Group 3: SRI value proposition and supporting measures
Registration at: https://ec.europa.eu/eusurvey/runner/SRI-Platform-Plenary-Session-2
SRI test phase in EU countries (August 2022 Update)
Two EU countries have recently decided to launch an official test phase of the Smart Readiness Indicator (SRI): Finland and Croatia. They are joining the 4 countries which had already made this decision a few months ago (Austria, Czech Republic, Denmark and France). Other Member States are encouraged to join the move and test the SRI on their territories. In each of the 6 front-running countries, the national administration is supported by one or several local technical partners and by the SRI Support Team.
Finland:The SRI test phase in Finland is led by the Ministry of the Environment with the support of MOTIVA, a company dedicated to promoting and supporting sustainable development. External assessors are going to be trained in order to conduct SRI assessments for a target of 150 buildings of different types. The test phase should last around two years, comprising a social impact assessment and an evaluation of the suitability of the scheme to Finland.