ACREX 2018 upheld once more the collaboration between REHVA and ISHRAE, ongoing since 2012. At the largest South Asia Exhibition on HVAC, the two associations organized a successful joint seminar about designing healthy nearly Zero Energy schools and they launched their concept paper for Indoor Environmental Quality in NZEB schools.
On Friday 23 afternoon, speakers from ISHRAE, REHVA and Eurovent Certita Certification and NEEV Academy provided the around 100 seminar attendants with interesting insights about the current situation of Indian and European schools in terms of thermal comfort and IEQ, the most suitable technologies to improve these conditions, and how to manage the energy implications of an IEQ-oriented design.
On Friday 23 evening, the REHVA-ISHRAE concept paper was officially presented by REHVA vice-president Atze Boerstra and ISHRAE Research Chair Nitin Deodhar from the stage of ACREX Hall of Fame event. This joint statement sets forth the joint initiative that will result next year in a REHVA-ISHRAE Guidebook about IEQ in nZEB schools.
Download here the seminar presentations and view here the pictures.