Yesterday, on 11th December, the European Commission presented the The European Green Deal as a fundamental roadmap to make the EU economy sustainable, taking into account climate and environmental challenges and covering all sectors of the economy with a special emphasis on transport, energy, buildings, agriculture and others. Therefore, the European Green Deal proved a roadmap with actions indicating a timeline of planned legislative proposals. 

During the first 100 days, the new Commission will present the First European Climate Law by March 2020, together with Biodiversity Strategy for 2030, the new Industrial Strategy and Circular Economy Action Plan. A new circular economy action plan, together with the industrial strategy, will facilitate the development of lead markets for climate neutral and circular products in the EU and beyond. The circular economy action plan will also include a “sustainable products” policy to support the circular design of all products based on a common methodology and principles. Therefore, the action plan will also include measures to encourage business to offer, and to allow consumers to choose, reusable, durable and repairable products.

By June 2021, the possible revision of Energy Efficiency Directive (EED) and Renewable Energy Directive (RED) is additionally planned to deliver on the increased climate ambition.

How the idea of building renovation “wave” will be proceed?

As the first step, the Commission’s aim is to concretely enforce the legislation related to energy performance of buildings. As a start, the assessment of national long-term renovation strategies in 2020 in Member states will be taken into consideration, following the launch of work on the possibility of including emissions from buildings in European emission trading. Linked to that, the Commission will review the Construction Products Regulation, which should ensure that the design of new and renovated buildings is in line with the needs of circular economy and lead to increased digitalisation and climate – proofing of the buildings stock.

Common work with various stakeholders will be crucial for Commission to jointly work on a new initiative on renovation in 2020. The plan is to provide open platform bringing together the buildings and construction sector, architects, building services engineers and local authorities. To support this idea, innovative financing schemes under InvestE will be provided. Commission plans to encourage national regulatory barriers that inhibit energy efficiency investments in rented and multi-ownership buildings. However, particular emphasis will be put on the renovation of social housing and renovating of schools and hospitals.

Find out more information on New Green Deal communication document here by European Commission.

REHVA will closely monitor developments within above mentined policies. Stay tuned for more information. 

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