In December 2020, the European Parliament formally adopted the revised version of the European Drinking Water Directive, thus introducing new minimum requirements for the quality of potable water. The revised version of the Drinking Water Directive entered into force at the start of January 2021 with an implementation period of two years.
One key feature of the revised directive is the stricter monitoring procedures for protecting potable water as a resource. New substances will be placed on what is called the watch list and around 35 more substances have been identified for further investigation. As well as microplastics, pharmaceutical products and other endocrine disruptors are also included. The aim of the watch list is to identify potential risks to potable water at an early stage and to maintain drinking water quality by modifying the treatment process.
Download REHVA Guidebook No. 30 "Hygiene in Potable Water Installations in Buildings"
Download REHVA Guidebook No. 18 "Legionellosis Prevention In Building Water And HVAC Systems"