Seminar on Chilled Water Systems

The discussion panel was composed by, clockwise, Oswaldo Bueno, Mauricio Salomão Rodrigues, Pedro Hoffmann, Mauricio de Barros and Leonilton Tomaz Cleto

Eye: First in a series of three, the proposal is to promote new technologies, low GWP refrigerants and retro-commissioning process

The advantages and procedures for replacing equipment with substances that destroy the ozone layer for equipment with non-harmful refrigerants, with low GWP and at the same time, energy-efficient were the subject of the 1st Seminar on Chilled Water Systems, held on February 24th and 25th, in Rio de Janeiro (RJ). This is the first in a series of three seminars and is part of the Demonstration Project for the Integrated Management for Chillers in Brazil, the Brazilian Program for the HCFCs Phase-Out, coordinated by the Ministry of Environment and implemented by UNDP. The next two will take place in Fortaleza (CE), between March 30th and April 1st, simultaneously with SANNAR - North Northeast Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Expo; and São Paulo (SP), April 27th and 28th.

According to Leonilton Tomaz Cleto, Project’s technical coordinator and President of ABRAVA’s National Department of Commissioning, the proposal of the seminars is to disseminate new technologies and low GWP refrigerants applied to Chillers and Chilled Water Systems, as well as to give visibility to retro-commissioning process carried on by means of a demo project in a commercial building in São Paulo.

"Our interest is to spread knowledge and disseminate technologies for engineers, managers, designers, installers of the HVAC sector and also for end users. The idea is to provide a broader view of the aspects of the retro-commissioning (commissioning in existing buildings) in systems that still use HCFCs. Instead of a mere retrofit of chillers, the focus is to optimize the whole HVAC system, including thermal comfort of occupants besides the increasing of energy efficiency and reduction of operational costs. Among the actions in the Project we have the two seminars and the workshop", said Tomaz Cleto.

"The retro-commissioning process in public and private buildings is a pioneering activity in the Brazilian market for this sector and  of great importance in order to promote the replacement of equipment still operating in the country with substances that destroy the ozone layer," said Marina Ribeiro, UNDP .

About 160 people participated in the two days of the seminar, with  lectures by national and international experts renowned in the industry, including, Leonilton Tomaz Cleto (ASHRAE Brasil) with the themes "New Perspectives - Refrigerants with Low GWP" "Commissioning Chilled Water Systems” and "Retro-commissioning - Case Report"; Manoel Gameiro (Trane) "Chillers with Low GWP Refrigerants"; Celina Bacellar (JCI) "Low Charge Ammonia Chillers"; William Bahnfleth (ASHRAE) "Variable Primary Flow Chilled Water Systems" and "Cool Thermal Energy Storage in the Era of Sustainability"; Edison Tito Guimarães (ASHRAE Brasil) "Geothermal Systems in Brazil: Challenges and Opportunities"; Cristiano Brazil (Midea Carrier) " Dedicated cooling of outdoors air"; Micah Bowman (Daikin) "Optimized Chiller Plant for Chilled Beams Systems"; James Vallort (ASHRAE) "Primary Heating/Cooling Plant Strategies"; Mauricio Rodrigues (Somar - BCA) "Commissioning Air Distribution Systems" and "Retro-commissioning - Case Report"; Oswaldo Bueno (Brazil ASHRAE) "Standards on Energy Efficiency"; Mauricio de Barros (Consult Ar) "Low delta T Syndrome in Chilled Water Systems."

There were also many discussion panels with the interaction of the audience with the speakers.

The event has the institutional support of the following associations: Green Building Council (GBC) Brasil, Brazilian Association for Refrigeration, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (ABRAVA), ASHRAE Brasil Chapter, Building Commissioning Association (BCA) – Brasil Chapter, Brazilian Association of Energy Conservation Service Companies (ABESCO), Brazilian Association for Facilities (ABRAFAC), South Brazilian Association of Refrigeration, Air Conditioning, Heating and Ventilation (ASBRAV) and National Association of Refrigeration, Air Conditioning and Heating Professionals (ANPRAC).

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