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The present
work raises several questions in the room airflow motion prediction techniques.
This article presents the results of an ongoing evaluation of a CFD based on
computer models for predicting room airflow distribution in the Hanging Church
in Egypt. To design an optimal HVAC
airside system that provides comfort and air quality in the conditioned spaces
with good energy efficiency is a great challenge. For this project a
numerical study is carried out to define the optimum airside design of the HVAC
systems, providing optimal comfort and healthy conditions energy efficiency. A
CFD program is used. Basically, various airside designs are considered
including floor and or ceiling supply, different obstacle and alternative positioning to introduce
the capability of each design to provide the optimum air flow characteristics.
The optimum utilization of the air movement to condition and ventilate can be
attained by properly locating the supply diffusers and extract grills to
minimize the recirculation zone and prevent the air short circuits. Ideally,
the optimum airside design system can be attained, if the airflow is directed
to pass all the enclosure areas before the extraction,Berglund, L. G.,
and Cain, W. S. (1989). The primary objective of the project is to demonstrate
the capabilities of the numerical tool to predict the airflow characteristics
and thermal patterns in the different conditioned church configurations in view
of basic known flow characteristics, Khalil (2008 and 2013). The numerical
model is used to investigate the airflow pattern, temperature and relative
humidity distributions inside the church main hall.
Figure 1 shows the church main hall while Figure 2
depicts the hideaway location where baby Christ used to be hidden during the
journey of the sacred family from Palestine to Upper Egypt. The church that was
built over 1 500 ago suffered from adverse effects of excessive humidity
and it was proposed to air condition this archaeological monument among the
restoration plans that also included the nearby Coptic Museum.
Figure 1.
Church Main Hall.
Figure 2.
Sleeping hideaway place of Baby Christ in basement.
The design
of such facility didn’t allow any alteration in the structure nor the bearing
walls of the church that comprised a main hall and neighbouring rooms and
facilities. There are students’ chapel, First Floor Chapel as well as the main
Nave. The main hall is of 17.2 m x 18.2 m length and width with a
height which is variable with domes maximum of 9.3 m, and a total volume
of 2 424 m³. Full load estimation was carried out to obtain the
maximum cooling capacity requirement at the worst prevailing climatic
conditions in Cairo summer. Hourly air system simulation results were obtained
for the months of June, July and August. The cooling capacity for the main Nave
was 280 kW while for the other chapels these were of the order of 40 kW
for the students’ chapel, 40 kW for the ground floor and 36 kW for
the first floor Chapel. The cooling plant was designed on the bases of five
units each 90 kW to cover the whole complex.
Figure 3 depicts the roof top cooling units
used for the main church and the adjoining chapels. The VRV units were used for
the Coptic museum.
Figure 3. Cooling Equipment on Roof of
adjoining building. |
The present
CFD computational procedure includes the numerical solution of the governing
equations of mass, momentum, species concentration and energy in three
dimensional configurations based on Launder (1972) and Spalding and Patankar (1974). A two equation k-ε turbulence model
was used to represent the turbulence characteristics of the flow through the
numerical solution of an equation of the kinetic energy of turbulence k and its
dissipation rate ε. More than 1,000,000 tetrahedral control volumes were
used and numerical convergence was better that 0.001%. Further details of the
SIMPLEC numerical algorithm imbedded in FLUENT can be read in detail in
references by Khalil (2013).
The church
is located in Cairo; the main hall is modelled as shown here in Figure 4a
& b.
Figure 4a. Isometric View for the Church Main
Figure 4b. Arrows indicate location of air
inlets through naturally openings in the roof.
The inlet
air conditions are based on the average day max of 40ºC and 30% relative
humidity, Egyptian Code, representing August climatic conditions. The main hall
is of 17.2 m x 18.2 m x height which is variable with domes maximum
of 9.3 m, with total volume of 2 424 m³.
The air inlets are set as velocity inlet
boundary conditions where velocity was set to be 1.5625 m/s with a total
of 12 air inlets, each of 0.4 m² of area (shown by arrows in Figure 4b).
This resulted in a total flow of 7 m³/s. The inlet air temperature was set
to 287 K, with an absolute humidity of 8 gr/kg. The ACH is chosen to
be about 10.
The air outlets
are set as outflow conditions.
The walls
are considered as a slab to have zero heat flux. The no slip condition is
enabled for all walls, while using the standard wall function for near wall
visitors’ bodies are considered as isothermal walls with a temperature of 310 K.
The visitors’ faces are considered as isothermal walls kept at the human skin
temperature of 310 K as well. Also it is assumed that there is a specified
species mass fraction of 0.0411 kgw/kgd.a in order to take
into account the sweat effect in moisture gain, Olesen
(2000). For carbon dioxide, a diffusive mass fraction of 0.0474 kgco2/kgd.a is chosen.
church hall model design included 12 air supply diffusers, each situated in
between the ceiling arcs. The return grills were situated near the ground.
The model
was used to simulate the situation during a prayer; consequently, the total
number of visitors was set to 150 people. The total thermal load was 280 kW
cooling, fresh air 1 350 l/s. Loads from solar gain were 3 kW,
roof thermal transmitted loads were 69 kW while ventilation load was 79 kW.
contours indicated the penetration of the ceiling supply jet till almost above
the occupancy zone. The jet flow towards the extract grilles locations as shown
at Z=0 and Z=18 m. Figure 5 shows the corresponding
velocity contours at X=15 m which is near the other end of the church
width as X varies between 0 and 17.2 m. Figure 6 shows the velocity contours in a transverse
section at Z=12.15 m and indicated the prayers standing locations. The
velocities at these locations are well below 0.25 m/s which ensured the
disappearance of any drafts for the comfort of prayers and visitors.
Figure 5.
Contours of Mean Velocity In Y Direction, m/s at Y-Z
Plane X=15 m.
Figure 6.
Contours of mean velocity in X-Y plane, m/s at Z=12.15 m.
equation was solved to yield the temperature distribution at the various
locations taking into account the heat dissipated from the humans, equipment
and also the external heat sources in summer. Figure 7
indicated the temperature contours at a Y-Z plane at X=4 m; temperatures
are found to be homogeneously distributed and ensured comfort conditions. Figure 8
represents thermal patters in transverse plane; one can easily see temperatures
of 30°C at the seating and standing locations. The remaining zones are at lower
temperatures that can be as low as 17°C, bearing in mind that the on coil
temperature leaving the ceiling supply grilles are typically 13°C.
Figure 7.
Temperature contours, K, in a Y-Z plane at X=4 m.
Figure 8.
Temperature contours, K, at X-Y plane at Z=12.15 m.
The relative
humidity contours at various locations in the church are shown here in Figures
9 and 10 at Y-Z at X=4 and 15 m respectively. The local values of Rh% are around 50% at
the occupancy level as clearly indicated in the figures above, the cooled
supply air leaves the supply grilles at much higher values of 80% and more.
Some disperse locations at near 1.8 m above floor indicated high Rh% due
to the presence of candles and equipment. Figure 11 indicates some high values of relative
humidity at the vicinity of the occupants’ faces.
Figure 9.
Contours of relative humidity, % at Y-Z plane at X=4 m.
Figure 10.
Contours of relative humidity, %, at Y-Z plane at X=15.
Figure 11.
Contours of relative humidity, % at Y-X plane at Z=12.15 m.
of mean air temperature and relative humidity percentage were obtained with the
aid of a hotwire anemometer and electronic hygrometer with accuracy of ±5%. These
were compared to the corresponding predictions in Figures 12 and 13.
Qualitative agreements were demonstrated, with some discrepancies that are
equally attributed to both experimentations accuracies and modelling
Figure 12.
Measured and predicted air temperature at 1.0 m above floor in church.
Figure 13.
Measured and predicted RH % at 1.0 m above floor in the Church.
From the
previous results, one can conclude that the airside designs have a strong
influence on the relative humidity distribution and consequently on the IAQ.
The location of the supply outlets plays the major role in this distribution.
The extract grills should be located in the right location to ensure comfort. Due
to the architectural design restrictions of archaeological buildings such as in
this church, designers should perform this calculation exercise to properly
select the locations of supply and extract grilles in renovated systems in ancient
buildings to yield better air flow, temperature, relative humidity behaviour.
1. ASHRAE Handbook, Fundamentals 2013,
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2. Berglund, L. G., and Cain, W. S., 1989,
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9. Khalil, E.E., 2013, Air Distribution in
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10. Launder, B.E., and Spalding, D.B. 1974, The
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11. Olesen, B. W.,
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12. Spalding, D.B., and Patankar,
S.V. 1974. A calculation procedure for heat, mass and momentum transfer in
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