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V. BaxterOak Ridge National Laboratory, | E. GrollHerrick Labs, Purdue University, | B. ShenOak Ridge National Laboratory, USA |
IEA Heat Pump Programme (IEA HPP) is a non-profit organisation with 15 member
countries – Austria, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Italy, Germany, Japan,
the Netherlands, Norway, South Korea, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom and
the United States
The Programme carries out a strategy to accelerate the use of heat pumps in
all applications where they can reduce energy consumption for the benefit of
the environment. It strives to achieve widespread deployment of appropriate
high quality heat pumping technologies to obtain energy conservation and
environmental benefits from these technologies. Under the management of an
Executive Committee the member countries cooperate in projects (called
Annexes) in the field of heat pumps and related heat pumping technologies
such as air conditioning, refrigeration and working fluids (refrigerants).
Over 40 Annexes have been or are being conducted under the Programme. |
In 2012 the
IEA HPP established Annex 41 to investigate technology solutions to improve
performance of heat pumps for cold climates. Four IEA HPP member countries are
participating in the Annex – Austria, Canada, Japan, and the United States
(U.S.). The principal focus of Annex 41 is on electrically driven air-source
heat pumps (ASHP) since that system type has the biggest performance challenges
given its inherent efficiency and capacity issues at cold outdoor temperatures.
Availability of ASHPs with improved low ambient performance would help bring
about a much stronger heat pump market presence in cold areas which today rely
predominantly on fossil fuel furnace heating systems. A primary technical
objective of the Annex is to define pathways to enable ASHPs to achieve an “in
field” heating seasonal performance factor or SPFh
≥2.63 W/W (HSPF ≥9.0 Btu/Wh), the minimum level necessary
in order to gain recognition as a renewable technology in the EU.
ASHPs based on the simple vapour compression cycle suffer both heating
capacity (output) and efficiency (coefficient of performance or COP)
degradation as the outdoor ambient temperature drops. At the same time,
building heat demand is increasing so ASHPs require a supplemental heating
source – usually direct electric resistance heating elements – to meet the
building heat demand causing lower seasonal performance in areas that
experience large numbers of hours at cold temperatures (loosely defined as
≤−7°C for purposes of Annex 41). Thus, the primary criterion for
advanced ASHPs to achieve higher SPFh in cold climates is to achieve
higher heating capacities at low ambients.
article describes some of the recent R&D results from the U.S. for two
advanced ASHP approaches; a two-stage vapor compression cycle with economizer
and a single-stage cycle with two compressors in parallel. The capacity target
for US R&D efforts is specified in Table 1 below.
Table 1.
U. S. cold climate heat pump performance targets.
Temperature | Heating
Capacity |
(47°F) | 9 – 21 kW
(2.5 – 6 tons), nominal rating |
(−13°F) | ≤25%
reduction from nominal |
Research at
Purdue University’s Herrick Labs identified a number of cycle concepts that
could be useful for ASHPs in cold climate applications (Bertsch
et al., 2006). Of
these, three were seen to have the highest relative efficiency and relative
heat output with low or acceptable discharge temperatures and were selected for
detailed comparison – the two-stage using an intercooler, the two-stage using
an economizer and the cascade cycle. Figure 1 illustrate
the three cycles.
Figure 1.
Heat pump cycle schematics – Intercooler (Left) – Economizer (Middle) – Cascade
(Right) (Bertsch et al., 2006)
simulation models were created for each of the three technologies to simulate
the heating capacity and performance for comparison. The heating supply
temperature for each was fixed to 50°C (122°F) to match the heating supply air
delivery temperature of a baseline gas-fired furnace per requirements of the
project sponsor. All three cycles showed COPs above 2 at temperatures below 0°C
(32°F) with the cascade cycle having slightly higher COPs than the others. All
three cycles had similar capacities at the low ambient temperatures. The only
noticeable difference between these technologies is at the warmer ambient
temperatures. The cascade cycle COP at temperatures above 0°C is considerably
lower than that of the economizer and intercooler cycles, and this is most
likely due to the heating capacity sizing selected for the high stage cycle.
Bertsch et al. assumed the cascade cycle has an additional smaller outdoor heat
exchanger to allow for the high side cycle to operate without the low side
cycle. Overall, all three cycles are predicted to be able to adequately satisfy
the heating load. The conclusion made from these results and the equipment
required (relative cycle complexity) is that the two-stage economizer cycle
would be the best choice for an ASHP in colder climates.
A two-stage, economizer system using R-410A was experimentally tested
down to ambient temperatures of −30°C (−22°F), achieving a heating
capacity and COP of roughly 11 kW and 2.1 respectively (Bertsch et al.,
2008). The plots of the experimental results compared to the simulation of the
system heating capacity and COP are shown in Figure 2. The two-stage heat
pump is shown to have much larger heating capacities than a conventional heat
pump at low outdoor temperatures. For an outdoor air temperature of about
−29°C (~−20°F) the tested capacity was ~11 kW or ~85% of the
measured capacity at the U.S. nominal heat pump rating condition of ~8.3°C
(47°F) compared to the desired target of 75% (Table 1). The test system
could be easily built from off-the-shelf components with little modifications,
showing promise for being manufacturable with relatively low cost premium
compared to conventional ASHPs.
Figure 2. Experimental results of two-stage heat pump compared to
simulation results; manufacturer’s data was used to indicate performance of the
conventional single-stage ASHP (Bertsch et al. 2008)
For the monitored period at the Army site the
ASHP system achieved about 19% source energy savings vs. the baseline gas
furnace system. Using average Indiana residential electricity and gas prices
the utility costs for the ASHP and baseline furnace would have been about the
same. The ASHP used no electric back up heating during the test period. Furthermore, the installation and
maintenance cost and complexity of the heat pump is comparable to those of
conventional ASHPs.
Research at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory
(ORNL) investigated sixteen different ASHP cycle configurations of which eight
were determined to be able to meet the heating capacity degradation target
listed in Table 1. Both variable-speed (VS) and dual,
parallel single-speed compressors (Tandem compressors) were investigated. The
VS-based designs offered somewhat greater low-temperature capacity capability
while the Tandem approaches were less complex and had almost as much capacity
capability. On this basis the Tandem approach appeared to offer the most
cost-effective option, and was chosen for laboratory experimental investigation
(Shen, et al 2014).
Figure 3 illustrates the cycle concept used for the laboratory prototype test
unit. It includes a pair of identical, single speed scroll compressors capable
of operating with discharge temperatures of up to 138°C (280°F). A conventional
thermal expansion valve (TXV) is used for refrigerant flow control for space
cooling mode, and a separate electronic expansion valve (EXV) is used for space
heating mode. The EXV targets to control optimum discharge temperature as a
function of ambient temperature, rather than the evaporator exit superheat
degree. The compressors were insulated and placed outside the outdoor air flow
stream to minimize the compressor shell heat losses (Figure 4)
– testing data confirmed that the insulation layer reduced the compressor heat
loss by 50%, and boosts the capacity and COP at −13°F more than 5%.
Figure 3. System concept – ASHP with dual, parallel compressors
Figure 4.
Insulation on test system compressors.
5 and 6 below
show the capacity and COP vs. ambient temperature, respectively, from the lab
test results. This system met the heating capacity target, achieving 77% of the
nominal rated capacity at −25°C (−13°F). Figure 6
indicates that it maintains reasonably good COPs (~2.0) at −25°C as well.
Figure 5.
Lab prototype heating capacity ratio (relative to capacity at the nominal 8.3°C
(47°F) rating point, with one compressor).
Figure 6.
Lab prototype heating COP
The two
advanced ASHP system concepts discussed above are both able to achieve the
heating capacity improvement target noted in Table 1 – ≤25%
degradation of heating capacity at −25°C (−13°F) vs. the rated
capacity at 8.3°C (47°F). But this capacity improvement comes at the cost of
increased system complexity which will result in increased cost compared to
conventional ASHPs. It is possible that either of these approaches could result
in a technically feasible ASHP that meets the Annex 41 SPFh goal
(≥2.63) and may approach the SPFh levels of GSHPs,
gas-engine-driven ASHPs, gas absorption ASHPs, or other residential HVAC
systems in cold climate locations. Whether this level of efficiency can be
achieved at lower installed costs than the aforementioned alternative systems
remains to be seen.
assembly of this report and the ORNL technical activities described herein are
supported by the U. S. Department of Energy, Building Technologies Office
(DOE/BTO) under Contract No. DE-AC05-00OR22725 with UT-Battelle, LLC.
Bertsch S. S. and E. A. Groll. 2006. “Air Source Heat Pump for Northern
Climates Part I: Simulation of Different Heat Pump Cycles,” Proceedings of the
11th International Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Conference at
S. S. and E. A. Groll. 2008. “Two-stage air-source heat pump for residential
heating and cooling applications in northern US climates,” International Journal of Refrigeration, Vol. 31(7),
pp. 1282-1292.
Caskey S. L. 2013. “Cold Climate Field Test Analysis of an Air-Source
Heat Pump With Two-Stage Compression and Economizing,” Master’s Thesis, Purdue
University, Ray W. Herrick Laboratories, West Lafayette, IN.
Shen, B., O. A. Abdelaziz, and C. K. Rice. 2014. “Compressor Selection and Equipment
Sizing for Cold Climate Heat Pumps,” paper No.
P.6.11 in the Proceedings of the 11thIEA Heat Pump Conference 2014, May 12-16 2014,
Montréal (Québec) Canada.
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