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Keywords: construction product directive,
CPD, construction products regulation, CRP, CE marking, declaration of
performance, DoP. |
Most of
HVAC products are used in buildings, in order to provide healthy and
comfortable indoor environment without wasting energy. Therefore, HVAC products
can generally speaking be regarded as construction products.
to the Regulation, construction products are subject to obligatory CE marking,
which means that CE marking is affixed to construction
products for which the manufacturerhas drawn up a declaration of performance (DoP)
and thus taking a responsibility for the conformity of the product.
However, in
order to be able to declare the product conformity, the product must be
assessed according to a harmonized European Standard (generally) or European
Technical Assessment. In the case of HVAC products, this is today possible for
still very few products, like radiators or fire and smoke dampers.
More on
(called “CPR front page” hereafter in this article)
The Construction Products Directive
89/106/EEC, of 21 December 1988 was published in the OJ No L 40 of 11 February
Directive, however, left a lot of freedom to Member States in its
implementation. For example, CE marking was not compulsory in all Member States, the preparation of European Standards to support the
implementation of CPD was also very slow, and so also the progress towards a
single European market was too slow.
Finally, the Construction Products Regulation (EU) no.
305/2011 (CPR)was adopted
on 9 March 2011. CPR is replacing the Construction Products
Directive 89/106/EEC (CPD) is laying down harmonized conditions for the
marketing of construction products.
elements of the CPR came into force on 24 April 2011. The first changes apply
to notified bodies and technical approval bodies and the way in which they
operate. The full legislation relating to manufacturers, importers
and distributors came into force on 1 July 2013, when the CPD was replaced.
provisions of the new Regulation seek to:
the affixing ofCE marking: By affixing the CE marking to a
construction product, for which the manufacturer has drawn up his Declaration of
Performance, manufacturers indicate that they take responsibility for the
conformity of that product.
simplified procedures enabling costs borne by enterprises (especially SME’s, some
further simplifications to micro-enterprises under certain circumstances), to
be reduced and to impose stricter designation for organisations
responsible for assessing the performance of construction products and the
verification of the products' constancy.
implementation of the CPR does not impose any additional technical requirements
on products. However the requirements for CE marking and the accompanying
documentation have changed and must now comply with the requirements of Article
9 of the CPR.
The Declaration of
Performance gives the product manufacturer the opportunity to deliver the
information about the essential characteristics(those
characteristics of the construction product which relate to the basic
requirements for construction works) of his products. Declarations of Performance (DoP) must be available, for each product, product family or
any other grouping of products decided by the manufacturer. If the product had
been placed on the market before the 1stJuly 2013, it can be later made further available without a DoP. Annex III of the CPR specifies the items to be
included in the DoP.
In addition
to a DoP generated under the CPR, CE Declaration of
Conformity may still be required according to other applicable EU Directives
such as Electromagnetic compatibility, Low voltage, Machinery, ATEX, etc.
The manufacturer
shall draw up a DoP when a product covered by a harmonised standard (hEN) or a
European Technical Assessment (ETA) is placed on the market. See
for further information.
According to Annex I of the CPR, “Construction works as a whole and in
their separate parts must be fit for their intended use,
taking into account in particular the health and safety of persons
involved throughout the life cycle of the works.Subject to normal maintenance,
construction works must satisfy these basic requirements for construction works
for an economically reasonable working life.”
The basic
requirements are otherwise the same as in the replaced CPR, but a new
requirement on sustainability has been introduced.
1. Mechanical resistance and stability
2. Safety in case of fire
3. Hygiene, health and the environment
4. Safety and accessibility in use
5. Protection against noise
6. Energy economy and heat retention
7. Sustainable use of natural resources
gives a full and updated list of all harmonized European Standards under the
CPD and CPR.
products standards are available for e.g. radiators and convectors, wastewater
products, chimneys, sanitary appliances, gas boilers, smoke ventilators, smoke
control dampers and fire dampers.
For many
products, especially in the field of ventilation, standards may exist but
developed on voluntary basis without a standardization mandate from EU, and
thus these standards are not harmonized standards.
harmonized product standard shall include Annex ZA, which is the mandatory part
of the standard for the CE marking purposes. Annex ZA also transforms all or
part of a European product standard into a harmonized European product
product standards include Annex ZAs; supporting standards do not. The Annex ZA
identifies those clauses of the standard which cover the essential characteristics
included in the mandate and considered in the answer to the mandates prepared
by the TC and accepted by the Commission. Alternatively, the Annex ZA may refer
to similar clauses in another standard.
products not covered or not fully covered by a harmonized European product
standard, a European Technical Assessment (ETA) can be requested by the product
manufacturer. More information about ETA can be found at
Under the
Construction Products Regulation (Art. 10) Member States shall give information
on rules and regulations for construction products. Theseproduct
contact points had to be established by 1 July 2013. A link to the product
contact points can be downloaded at the CPR front page.
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