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Dick van DijkMSc Applied PhysicsEPB-research –The | Marleen SpiekmanMSc Civil Engineering,TNO, The |
EN ISO 52016-1
presents a coherent set of calculation methods at different levels of detail,
for the (sensible) energy needs for the space heating and cooling and (latent)
energy needs (de-)humidification of a building and/or internal temperatures and
heating and/or cooling loads.
The effect of specific system properties can
also be taken into account, such as the maximum heating or cooling power and
the impact of specific system control provisions. This leads to system-specific
energy loads and needs, in addition to the basic energy loads
and needs.
EN ISO 52016-1 contains both hourly
and monthly calculation procedures. These are closely linked
as explained further on.
EN ISO 52017-1 is not needed for the actual
calculation of the energy performance of buildings. EN ISO 52017-1
contains a generic (reference) hourly calculation method for (a thermal zone in)
a building.
The reference method in EN ISO 52017-1 is
based on and replaces EN ISO 13791. EN ISO 52017-1 contains no specific
assumptions, boundary conditions, specific simplifications or input data that
are not needed to apply the generic calculation method. Compared with EN ISO 13791
the energy needs for heating and cooling are added to increase the application
range. This standard does not include validation cases (unlike EN ISO 13791).
For validation, specific assumptions and input data would need to be given that
only apply to the validation cases. To keep a clear distinction between the
generic method and a specific application, verification and validation cases are
adopted in EN ISO 52016-1.
EN ISO 52016-1
replaces EN ISO 13790:2008. It contains an hourly
calculation method and a monthly calculation method. The hourly calculation
method is a specific application of the generic method provided in EN ISO
EN ISO 52016-1 further contains specific
boundary conditions, specific simplifications and input data for the
application: calculation of energy needs for heating and cooling. Amended simplifications
and input data are provided for the application to calculate the design heating
and design cooling load and (e.g. summer) internal temperatures.
In this way the generic calculation method (EN
ISO 52017-1) is clearly separated from the specific application with all
specific assumptions, simplifications and specific input data (EN ISO 52016-1).
The hourly method in EN ISO
52016-1 produces as additional output the key parameters needed to generate
parameters for the monthly calculation method. This means that
a number of (nationally) representative cases can be run with the hourly method
and from the output, the key monthly parameters for the different cases, the
monthly correlation factors can be derived.
See flow chart in Figure 1.
Figure 1. The relation between EN ISO 52016-1 and EN ISO 52017-1.
In a previous REHVA Special on the EPB
standards [4] the many links of EN ISO 52016-1 with other EPB
standards were introduced. Special attention in this respect has been paid to
testing the link with the procedures to calculate the thermal transmission through
the ground floor, taking into account the inertia of the
ground. These procedures are given in EN ISO 13370 (see parallel
article by Mrs Kosmina) for monthly, but also for hourly calculation methods.
The hourly climatic data are given in EN ISO 52010-1
and the hourly and daily patterns of the conditions of use (operating
schedules) are given in the relevant other EPB standards.
More details on the many inputs from and many
interactions with many other EPB standards are given in CEN ISO/TR 52016-2.
The hourly and the monthly method in EN ISO
52016-1 are closely linked: they use as much as possible the same input data
and assumptions. And the hourly method can be used to generate the parameters
for the monthly calculation method, as shown above (Figure 1).
The hourly method in EN ISO 52016-1 is more
advanced than the simplified hourly method given in EN ISO 13790:2008, to
make the method more transparent and more widely usable, without asking more input
data from the user. This was already explained in a previous article [5].
The main goal of the hourly calculation method
compared to the monthly method is to be able to take into account the influence
of hourly and daily variations in weather, operation (solar blinds,
thermostats, heating and cooling needs, occupation, heat accumulation, etc.)
and their dynamic interactions for heating and cooling.
Upon request of CEN/TC 156, the method to
calculate the design heating and cooling and latent heat load from prEN 16798-11:2015,
prepared by CEN/TC 156, has been integrated in EN ISO 52016-1.
EN ISO 52016-1 includes specification of the
method and the boundary conditions for the calculation of the design heating
and cooling load, including latent load, as a basis for the dimensioning of
equipment on zone level and on central level for cooling and dehumidification.
It specifies also the methods and conditions for the calculation of the
humidification load.
The method given for the design heat
load is intended especially for the cases where the cooling
load calculation needs to be done (for instance when cooling is necessary)
and/or an hourly calculation is used for the energy needs
calculation. The principle idea is that there is only one method needed for
load and energy calculations for heating and cooling in case of an hourly
calculation interval.
If the design heating load is calculated with
another (e.g. simplified) calculation method, such as EN 12831-1, the many
input data are for 90% the same as for the energy needs calculation according
to EN ISO 52016-1. It is advisable to check if duplication of gathering these
input data could be avoided.
Options for national choices provided in
“Annex A/Annex B” of EN ISO 52016-1 comprise:
References to other EPB or
national standards.
Selection of hourly or monthly
Rules for thermal zoning.
Simplifications (at various
Specific details of the hourly
calculation method (solution technique, internal modelling of constructions, IR
radiation exchange).
Classification of constructions
(e.g. thermal capacity of opaque constructions, solar energy transmittance of
solar shading devices).
(Fixed) values for specific
assumed properties.
Specific solar shading assumptions
and simplifications.
Values for various correlation
factors of the monthly calculation method.
Annex C of EN ISO 52016-1 gives a choice
in references to other CEN (for CEN area) or ISO (elsewhere) standards that
provide thermal, solar or daylight properties of (single or multiple) glazings
and/or windows.
An extensive spreadsheet was produced on EN ISO 52016-1,
covering both the hourly and the monthly calculation method. Examples of the
calculation sheet can be found in CEN ISO/TR 52016-2. The (publicly available)
spreadsheet is available since May 2015, based on the draft (prEN ISO/DIS
52016-1). It is intended to update the spreadsheet (symbols, numbering of
formulae, minor changes in the calculation method, minor errata) before
publication of the standard.
No spreadsheet was produced on EN ISO 52017-1,
because this EPB standard (with reference hourly thermal balance calculation
procedures) is not directly used for calculations.
The hourly calculation procedures have been
validated by using relevant cases from the so called BESTESTseries.
The BESTEST cases are well established since decades, widely used worldwide and
well described. In the previous article on EN ISO 52016-1 we introduced the
validation cases and presented the main results [5].
technical report CEN
ISO/TR ISO 52016-2
provides a detailed description of the verification and validation cases. Relevant BESTEST cases
are also chosen for the validation of EN ISO 52010, the overarching EPB
standard on external environment conditions, as presented in the parallel
article by Mr Plokker on EN ISO 52010.
A full
description of the most relevant validation cases and results are given in the
standard itself, as a tool to verify if an hourly calculation method
based on EN ISO 52016-1 is in line with the calculation procedures given in the
standard. In case at national level it is decided (following the template of
“Annex A” to make use of the specifically allowed deviations from the given
calculation procedures, then these verification cases are to be used to validate
the deviating calculation procedures.
EN ISO 52016-1
presents a coherent set of calculation methods at different levels of detail,
for the (sensible) energy needs for the space heating and cooling and (latent)
energy needs for (de-)humidification of a building and/or internal temperatures
and heating and/or cooling loads. The influence from technical buildings
systems, control aspects and boundary conditions can be included where relevant
for a “system specific” calculation, in addition to a “basic energy load or
need” calculation. Choices are possible at national or regional level to
accommodate the specific national or regional situation. The method has been
successfully validated using relevant BESTEST cases.
EN ISO 52017-1 is not needed for the actual
calculation of the energy performance of buildings. It contains a generic
hourly calculation method, intended as reference method, for instance for EN ISO 52016-1.
information is available in the accompanying technical report,
CEN ISO/TR 52016-2 [2].
The authors
would like to acknowledge the contributions to the preparation of
EN ISO 52016: Dirk Van Orshoven (DVO, Belgium: contribution to monthly
method), Gerhard Zweifel (LTH, Luzern: design cooling load, latent
heat and links to EPB standards under CEN/TC 156), Matjaž Zupan (Planta, Slovenia: calculation examples) and José L. Molina (Universidad de Sevilla, Spain) and Francisco
José Sánchez de la Flor(Universidad de
Cádiz, Spain) for the solar shading calculation procedures.
[1] EN ISO 52016-1, Energy performance of buildings – Energy needs for
heating and cooling, internal temperatures and sensible and latent heat loads –
Part 1: Calculation procedures.
[2] CEN ISO/TR 52016-2, Energy performance of
buildings – Energy needs for heating and cooling, internal temperatures and
sensible and latent heat loads – Part 2:
Explanation and justification of ISO 52016-1 and
ISO 5207-1.
[3] EN
ISO 52017-1, Energy performance of buildings – Sensible and
latent heat loads and internal temperatures – Part 1: Generic calculation
[5] Dick van Dijk, Marleen Spiekman
& Linda Hoes - van Oeffelen, EPB
standard EN ISO 52016: Calculation of the building’s energy needs for heating
and cooling, internal temperatures and heating and cooling load, The REHVA European HVAC Journal, Volume
53, Issue 3, May 2016.
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