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original Energy Performance of Buildings Directive requires regular inspection
of heating and air-conditioning systems, with the alternative of energy
efficiency advice for heating systems only. The recast Directive allows greater
flexibility: advice instead of inspection can be given for air-conditioning as
well as heating, and in both cases automatic monitoring systems can be
introduced to reduce the frequency or intensity of inspection. The Member
States of the European Union are now considering whether or not to take up
these new options in their individual decisions about how to implement the
Directive at national level.
recast Directive has new provisions for regular inspection of heating and
cooling systems. The definition of what has to be inspected has been changed,
and the scope and contents of the inspection report have been specified in greater
detail. For example, some references to “boilers” have been widened to “heating
systems”. Most importantly, there are new alternatives: energy efficiency
advice can now be offered instead of regular inspection of air-conditioning
systems, and for both heating and cooling systems automatic monitoring can
become a partial substitute for inspection. These alternatives would reduce inspection
costs for building owners individually and might prove to be more
cost-effective routes to energy saving nationally.
Advice rather
than inspection of heating systems has always been accepted as an alternative
implementation of the Directive, and about half of the EU Member States have
chosen it for transposition of the first EPBD (2002). By “advice” is meant
general information on efficient heating systems, not specific to a particular
building, with the aim of promoting improvements to energy performance. This is
distinct from advice given with detailed knowledge of a particular
installation, as that normally has to be preceded by an inspection or audit of
some kind. It is necessary to show that, on a national scale, the overall
impact on energy saving is broadly equivalent.
States with a history of regulation for heating appliances (such as “chimney
sweep” laws) tended to favour inspection schemes and others preferred advice.
But the distinction is not clear-cut, and EPBD Concerted Action did not get
simple answers to questions about which option had been chosen. In practice there
are a number of mixed regimes in which inspection is compulsory in some
circumstances (governed by system type, size, fuel) while advice is given in
under the recast Directive, the “advice” alternative can be chosen for air-conditioning
systems too. This brings air-conditioning into line with heating, and indeed
the relevant wording of Article 15 (Inspection
of air-conditioning systems) of the new recast Directive is almost identical
to that of Article 14 (Inspection of
heating systems). Advice is expected to cover modification and replacement
of existing systems, and alternative solutions (that may include inspection) to
assess efficiency and sizing. And of course the overall impact of giving advice
must be equivalent to inspection.
contrast to advice, the requirements for inspection schemes are set out in some
detail. For inspection there are three clauses of the Directive covering system
size limits, frequency of inspection, and the need to assess system efficiency
and plant size relative to demand. There is an obligation to produce an
inspection report, which must include recommendations for improvement, and may
(though not must) compare performance with that of a new system of the same
type and best alternative type. The report is to be handed over to the owner or
tenant of the building, and by implication must therefore be written in terms
he can reasonably be expected to understand. An independent control system has
to be established to verify a statistically significant percentage of the
inspection reports.
there is a third option, to the extent that automatic monitoring can be
recognised as a partial substitute for inspection. Monitoring and control is
mentioned in three places in the recast Directive, sending a strong signal that
it is regarded as having significant energy saving potential.
The requirements
for HVAC inspection say that the frequency of inspections may be reduced, or
the intensity of them lightened, where an electronic monitoring and control
system is in place. For technical building systems (defined as heating,
cooling, ventilation, hot water, lighting) another part of the Directive says
Member States shall encourage intelligent metering systems and may encourage the
installation of active control systems such as automation, control and
monitoring systems that aim to save energy.
metering is the subject of a separate policy initiative under the Energy
Services Directive, but in this context its purpose is to enable building
monitoring rather than supply consumer information. Electronic monitoring and
control is already well established in non-domestic buildings in the form of
building management systems (BMSs), though they are not always installed with
the primary aim of saving energy.
monitoring is to become a credible substitute for inspection it will have to be
done on a large scale and made widely available, allowing buildings to be
compared with one another. Although energy data is collected by existing BMSs, it
is not normally stored for long term analysis nor transmitted to a general database
from which large numbers of installations can be analysed systematically. Data from
a large number of buildings over long periods is needed to enable benchmarks to
be developed, technical building systems compared, and their energy performance
ranked. Badly performing building systems can then be singled out for further
A pilot
project to do that is iSERV(Inspection of HVAC systems through continuous monitoring and
benchmarking), funded by Intelligent Energy Europe, which is designed to
carry out continuous monitoring of 1 600 buildings in 20 Member States. The
data collection and transmission arrangements are simple and so the project has
a low entry cost for participants. iSERV
is a large project that expects to create a valuable dataset on energy usage by
HVAC systems across Europe, and it hopes to spawn a number of similar schemes that
will continue in operation once the project has finished.
remains to be seen how many Member States will choose the advice option for
air-conditioning. Seven of them have said they are considering doing so,
subject to a favourable assessment of the relative costs and benefits. While
inspection can be carried out cheaply if combined with servicing, the
requirement for the inspection report to include an assessment of plant sizing
and efficiency may call for skills beyond those of a normal service technician.
The Directive makes clear that inspection must be carried out by qualified or
accredited experts, in an independent manner. Advice, in the form of general
information not requiring a building visit, can be provided to everyone more
cheaply but might not have the same impact. Member States have to consider what
form advice will take and how they will be able to demonstrate to the European
Commission, in a report to be prepared every three years, that the impact on
energy saving is at least as great as if inspection had been carried out
Directive may provide the stimulus to set up wide area building monitoring
schemes, if Member States do indeed “reduce or lighten” the financial burden of
plant inspection where monitoring is installed. It is not known how many intend
to allow for this explicitly when they transpose the Directive into national
legislation in July this year.
What will
Member States choose – inspection, advice, monitoring, or a mixture? Will large
monitoring schemes emerge to make the third alternative a realistic option, and
who will take the initiative in creating them? These questions are the subject
of continuing interest and discussion in EPBD Concerted Action.
has the advantage of enabling recommendations for improvement to be given from knowledge
of the current state and configuration of each installation. Recommendations can
be made specific and relevant. But this is expensive unless combined with other
on-site activity. It also carries a number of further obligations, which are
more onerous in the recast Directive. Compulsory inspection of all
installations at regular intervals, even those found to be in good order on the
previous occasion, does not make best use of available resources: furthermore
it may be viewed by customers as an imposition and treated simply as a
compliance exercise.
avoids the expense of sending highly trained personnel to site but is uncertain
in its reach. The energy saving impact of both inspection and advice is
difficult to measure, needing surveys to reveal how building owners have
reacted. “Equivalence reports” (prepared by Member States who choose the advice
option) have to assess and compare impact, and for the hypothetical inspection option
that was not chosen it can only be speculative. The most recent equivalence reports
of June 2011 are being analysed, and may later be summarised in an overview from
the European Commission.
area monitoring is a fairly new idea, not yet developed and probably not “ready
to go” by July 2013 (the date that the new legislation is applied to most
buildings). Meanwhile it is important not to exclude the option by drawing up
national legislation too narrowly in 2012. New regulations can use conditional
wording, such as “ inspection
scheme, with frequency of inspection modified for buildings that are part of an
approved monitoring scheme...”. An approved scheme
would need to be linked to some more limited form of inspection, targeted at
the worst performing buildings, and it is here that inspection has the best
prospect of encouraging improvement. Unlike advice, a monitoring scheme in
conjunction with limited inspection does not have to be proved to have
equivalent impact to a full inspection scheme. The necessary qualifications for
an “approved monitoring scheme” can be settled later once more experience has
been acquired, and this is a topic to which EPBD Concerted Action will return
to help the EU Member States reach decisions.
2010/31/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 19 May 2010 on the energy
performance of buildings (recast).
Journal January 2012: Ian Knight: Assessing electrical energy use in HVAC
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