ISSO - Jaap

Jaap Hogeling
REHVA Journal

Year 2019 is already on its way when you are reading this editorial. It will be an important year for the REHVA community. The world congress CLIMA2019 will be held May 26-29 in Bucharest, which is a mayor event and excellent opportunity for our professional community to meet. Apart from the very interesting presentations and seminar program many workshops will be organised to stimulate interactions (see page 87).

After four years of serving the REHVA Journal as Editor in Chief I looked back to the 24 issues published. It is no surprise that 60% of the articles was dealing with energy and EPBD related issues. A good second place is for articles related to Indoor Air/Environmental Quality. A third place for articles related to Quality assurance and monitoring of our buildings and building systems (related to the Qualicheck project). Finally, several articles related to certification schemes, new standards and new technical solutions and case studies. Additional to these technical articles the REHVA journal has been a great source for news from REHVA, on EU Commission policy issues, events, fairs, products and publications.

We expect a similar picture for the coming years. Realising that all EPB standards have been published we expect articles on the use of these standards in practise. Also, about the way and level of implementation of these EPB standards in the different EU countries. Energy (EPBD), NZEB Uptake and the IEQ will continue our attention but also the role of Smart technology (SRI) and the focus on how to integrate sustainable energy production and storage in our buildings. Smart grids require us to interact with our building systems and when using sustainable energy producing systems (like PV, wind…) how to design and operate energy storage systems (electric, thermal or chemical).

For this issue the focus is on articles based on a selection of papers of the 39th AIVC Conference ‘Smart ventilation for Buildings’ which conference included also the Tight Vent and Venticool conferences.

The next REHVA journal issue will pay attention to the coming CLIMA 2019 congress May 26-29. The 3rd issue will look back to this CLIMA 2019 Congress and will try to report on the highlights.

The REHVA Journal Editing board welcomes suggestions and reactions from our readers, we also encourage the REHVA members to propose to us technical articles, published in their national member journal, that are expected to be of importance for the REHVA Journal readers.

EditorialJaap HogelingPage 5

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