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workshops will take place parallel to other sessions at CLIMA 2016 conference.
Each workshop will focus on a specific question (or questions). The result of
the workshop will be an international action plan, a list of research needs,
outline for a guideline, a policy statement, etc. The results will be presented
to the congress participants in a summary report that will be sent to all
participants after the conference and published on the website. To have more
information on the workshops, please read the short descriptions online.
May 23, 11.00-12.30 (Meeting room 8)
Presenters: Petra Vladykova, Swegon, John
Woollett, Swegon, Ian Knight, Cardiff University
description:The impending requirement for near zero Energy Buildings (nZEB) needs
the efficient consumption of energy by services. This presents requirements for
data to support understanding of how to achieve this in practice. This
participatory workshop explores the potential for informative and practical
guidelines for facility managers, REHVA Guidebook and input for building
regulations. The aim is to discuss what information and data are needed, how it
should be done and provided, and how it might be used in the light of the
updating of a number of Standards in this area, including ISO 52000-1, prEN
16798-17 and prCEN/TR 16798-18.
May 23, 11.00-12.30 (Meeting room 9)
Leaders: Peter
Op't Veld, HIA, Karel Kabele, REHVA
Presenters:Philippe Moseley, EASME, Peter Op't
Veld, HIA, Anita Derjanecz, REHVA
discussion: Jos
Bijman, TVVL, Juan Travesi, ATECYR, Branimir Pavkovic, HKIS, Michael Mast,
Nearly Zero Energy Building construction and renovation require a huge
contribution from the building sector and is a challenge for the construction
industry. A successful design and construction process towards nZEB requires
innovative design processes and technologies based on an integrated design
approach and multi-disciplinary work teams. This approach is not yet common as
the building sector works in a fragmented process. Especially the collaboration
between architects, technical experts and managers is necessary to develop
mutual understanding of each other’s disciplines and combine skills to achieve
optimal nZEB construction and retrofitting in terms of quality, energy
efficiency and cost effectiveness. The workshop will present the PROF/TRAC
project that develops an Open Training Platform and Qualification scheme for
Continuing Professional Development for engineers, architects and managers
involved in nZEB design and construction. PROF/TRAC identifies skills gaps and
professional profiles needed for nZEB construction and refurbishment, and
develops a voluntary training and qualifications scheme involving REHVA Member
Associations and training providers from the Architects’ Council of Europe
(ACE), Housing Europe. Several REHVA Member Associations have joined the
platform or expressed interest in being involved in the scheme and in attending
the Train the trainer sessions. The workshop will be also an opportunity to
present the first achievements, to exchange about the experiences of the 4
project partner REHVA Members (ATECYR, DANVAC, HKIS, TVVL) and to discuss about
the involvement of other REHVA Members in the PROF/TRAC Training and
Qualification Platform.
May 23, 11.00-12.30 (Meeting room 10)
TVVL/Rehva and
Royal HaskoningDHV
Presenters:H. Besselink, Royal HaskoningDHV,
W.H. Maassen
Legislation from the EU in 2020 will set much stricter requirements on the
energy consumption of buildings and the way the energy is generated. This
workshop will identify which performance requirements are facing us and how we
can fulfill to these requirements.
the (nearly) Zero Energy Buildings (nZEB) legislation will be mandatory. The
most sustainable performances will be achieved if the different stakeholders
have an interest in the sustainable project. Therefore the different
possibilities to achieve these performances and how they can be translated into
costs and revenues for each stakeholder are important.
In an
interactive workshop different groups will work on making 2 example cases
energy neutral areas: an innercity district in the Rotterdam Port Area energy
(Merwevierhavengebied) and an academic hospital in Amsterdam (VU-VUmc campus).
In the first part of the workshop the technical possibilities on different
scales will be explored. Then in the second part the group will determine how
to realize this goal together from the perspective of the different
stakeholders. The differences between the cases will give insight in the
specific challenges of each project and especially nZEB Hospitals!
May 23, 13.00-14.30 (Meeting room 8)
Jens Nørgaard,
Presenters: Carsten Østergaard Pedersen,
Grundfos, Anders Nielsen, Grundfos,Karin S. Nielsen, Grundfos, Jens
Nørgaard, Grundfos
Chilled water systems are often suffering from low return water temperatures
and hence low deltaT syndrome. The undesired effects of this condition are
numerous and it leads to reduced system performance and efficieny. It is
explained how the latest Grundfos pump generation can discover low deltaT
syndrome and adapt the pressure in the system until the right flow and the
correct ΔT is restored. Grundfos pump generation may be controlled by
fluid temperature difference and how this can be utilized in HVAC systems. The
advantage of this procedure is described. Constant temperature mode is utilized
in domestic hot water applications, installation and the benefits of this. The
latest pump generation may be utilized in large boiler shunt installations and
how risk is reduced by this procedure.
May 23, 13.00-14.30 (Meeting room 9)
Presenters:Jarek Kurnitski, REHVA Vice
President, Prof. Tallinn University of Technology, Ryozo Ooka, Tokyo
University, Jonas Gräslund, Skanska
This REHVA nZEB Task Force workshop will discuss nZEB technical, regulatory and
policy progress with the aim to provide input to REHVA nZEB technical
definition (2013) revision. nZEB WS will focus on recent developments in national
applications in EU, Japan and US by rising an open issues in nZEB definitions
and requirements. The essential question of nZEB buildings, how well buildings
with on-site production fit to central energy system, is discussed based on
recent results from Sweden. This study is developing a method of how to
quantify the consequences of carbon dioxide emissions for energy efficiency and
renewable energy solutions and investigate how the relevant time steps shall be
chosen in order to be able to calculate which solutions provide the best
addition of renewable energy at the same primary energy performance level when
considering load match and grid interaction issues which is not obvious.
May 23, 13.00-14.30 (Meeting room 10)
Presenters:Ole Teisen, Sweco Danmark A/S, Frank
Hovorka, UNEP Financial Initiative, Sustainable Building Alliance, Ian Knight,
Welsh School of Architecture, Cardiff University, Thomas Toftgaard Jarløv,
Copenhagen Airports
REHVA is planning to produce handbooks and other material that support the use
of Building Commissioning in Europe. Attending this workshop will provide new
insights into how Building Commissioning is performed, how it interacts with
sustainability measures and how it influences the value of buildings. It will
also allow you to bring your own ideas to the table, and influence future work
into Building Commissioning in Europe! The Workshop will start with 4 different
angles on Commissioning from the moderators. This includes introductions to The
Commissioning Process, the way it is described by IEA, the International Energy
Agency, and the way it is performed in various countries. Also, an overview of
benefits from Building Commissioning as it is done today and expected benefits
from tomorrows Building Commissioning Process. After the introductory
presentations, the workshop then starts. The moderators will facilitate the
participants in finding topics to work with in the REHVA Commissioning Task
Force, and to include in future publications. We intend to map market needs,
elements we can foresee will be included in the future Commissioning processes,
as well as demands for information about the Commissioning Process.
Participants are invited to bring their anecdotes and experiences with gnarly
Building systems to the plenum. We will have a good time discussing probable
solutions and processes that can prevent the repetition of previous nightmares,
and add more value to the Commissioning process.
May 23, 15.00-16.30 (Meeting room 8)
Certita Certification
Marinhas, Eurovent Certita Certification
description: Since
first application to our products in 2013, residential and higher capacity
air-conditioners, chillers and heat pumps are progressively moving from nominal
(COP) to seasonal performance (SCOP and ηs) in heating mode and (EER,
SEER, SEPR and ηs,c) in cooling mode, and associated minimum requirements
and labelling schemes are set up. Calendar and details of the corresponding
regulations and associated standards and certification documents will be
presented, focused on the consequences for the end-users, the manufacturers,
the laboratories and the organisation of certification.
May 23, 15.00-16.30 (Meeting room 9)
Presenters:Jorma Railio, REHVA, Ian Knight,
Cardiff University
description: Activities
supporting the practical implementation of inspections required by the EPBD
will be discussed in a participatory workshop format. From experiences in
Member States, only a fragment of the mandatory inspections have been done, but
there are encouraging experiences of alternative approaches. Now that the
European standards for ventilation and air conditioning inspections have been
revised and merged into the new prEN 16798-17 and prCEN/TR 16798-18, it is time
for REHVA to collect the experiences and existing knowledge into a practical
May 24, 11.00-12.30 (Meeting room 8)
Organiser: BELIMO Automation AG
Presenters:Dr. Marc Thuillard, Dipl. Ing.
Forest Reider, Dipl. Ing. Reto Hobi, Dipl. Ing. Christian Luchsinger
description: The
proper balancing of hydraulics flows is an important factor contributing to the
stability of HVAC in a building. Balancing can be achieved through different
approaches using an electronic or a mechanic pressure-independent valve.
Besides balancing an electronic solution can be expanded to a performance
device, known as Energy Valve, capable of monitoring and optimizing energy
consumption. This concludes the introduction. This talk will focus on
electronic balancing methods and discuss two approaches for achieving this
goal. The first method uses an electronic pressure-independent valve (ePIV). In
state of the art office buildings the main comfort demand is more and more on
cooling with a general low heating demand. Therefore a 4-pipe system with one
heat exchanger like heating/cooling ceiling is likely and very common. To run
such a system in an efficient way it is important that the pump runs efficient,
independent on the load. For reaching this, different flows for heating and
cooling are required combined with the lowest possible pressure loss.The
advantages and disadvantages of mechanic and electronic pressure-independent
solutions are highlighted with three different examples in relation with the
established Belimo 6-Way Zone-Valve.During the discussion, we
will show how the ePIV can be expanded into an even more intelligent HVAC
device by adding two temperature sensors, resulting into an Energy Valve.
Experimental results obtained during field tests at Massachusetts Institute of
Technology (MIT), Boston and University of Colorado, Boulder: Saving energy and
primary costs by preventing DeltaT degradation. Test at Nanjang Technical
University (NTU), Singapore. We will show how the measurement of air enthalpy
can enhance very significantly the function of the Energy Valve. Case study
Hospital – Ludmillenstift / Germany: through a case study demonstrating how
hydraulic problems can be discovered, monitored, analyzed and finally solved
with the Belimo Energy Valve. A too low and/or too high flow results in wrong
Energy transmission and will have a huge impact on patient comfort, energy bill
and maintenance cost.
May 24, 11.00-12.30 (Meeting room 10)
François Rémi
Carrié and Benjamin Jones
Presenters:Dr. Marc Thuillard, Dipl. Ing.
Forest Reider, Dipl. Ing. Reto Hobi, Dipl. Ing. Christian Luchsinger
description: The
objective of this workshop is to discuss the major developments regarding
building and ductwork airtightness in the past five years and the expected
changes in the near future.
24 May, 13.00-14.30 (Meeting room 8)
European Solar-Shading Organization in collaboration with EQUA and Swegon
Presenters:Ann Van Eycken, ES-SO, Anders Hall,
ES-SO, Per Sahlin, EQUA
description: The
impact of solar radiation on the heat and light balance of a room is profound
and, consequently, shading devices, glass, and control strategy are the first
things to consider in HVAC and daylight design. Unfortunately, doing this is
easier said than done. Not only do you need models that capture the correct
physics of modern glazing and shading, but these models must also interact with
a room model that accounts for all the physical processes that come together in
the final room heat and light balance. Naturally, one must have correct product
data for all involved components and be able to describe control action that
reflects real systems. Today, these systems may well couple artificial and
natural daylight with the thermal state of the room. The workshop starts with a
presentation of a new quality assured database for shading products under the
auspices of ES-SO and continues with the introduction and demonstration of a
new tool chain for the complex design task.
May 24, 13.00-14.30 (Meeting room 9)
Dr. Kato
Dr. Zhang, Dr.
Dealing with the whole indoor air to maintain a comfortable thermal environment
has been the main solution of the building air-conditioning system for many
years. Recently, owing to the development of radiant heating/cooling systems
and personal ventilation, a new trend has arisen where heat is dissipated to
several independent areas, providing custom heat loads; this even provides us
with the possibility of creating a zero heating/cooling load environment. In
other words, it allows us to deal with the heat load from each heat source
before the heat diffuses into the space. This solution enables us to utilize
lower level heat sources, for instance chilled water at high temperatures. It
also ensures more uniform temperature distribution and a more comfortable
indoor thermal environment with improved energy efficiency. The attempt to realize
zero internal heating/cooling load was first carried out for data centers and
recently, in Japan, a liquid cooling air-conditioning system for office
buildings was developed and will soon be used in real buildings. In this
workshop, we will report the progress we have made in this field, followed by a
discussion. Because the success of the zero internal heating/cooling load
system is based on many different experiments and attempts, any presentation
related to this topic is welcome. The aim of the workshop is to come up with a
list of research gaps and questions and identify additional concerns regarding
this topic.
May 24, 13.00-14.30 (Meeting room 10)
venticool, IEA
Peter Holzer
and François Rémi Carrié
description: The
principal objective of this workshop series is to discuss the status, needs,
and perspectives on developments to consider ventilative cooling in energy
performance assessment methods.
May 24, 15.00-16.30 (Meeting room 8)
Michele De
Carli, University of Padova, Robert Gavriliuc, Faculty of Building Services
Engineering Bucharest
Presenters:Javier F. Urchueguía, David
Bertermann, Luc Pockele
description: The
market of heat pumps in Europe is increasing. Even though the most efficient
solution is represented by GSHP, air to water heat pumps are mostly used in
residential and commercial buildings, due to the lower investment costs.Based on the experience of the speakers and based on the recent work
began in the Horizon 2020 European Project “Cheap-GSHPs” the workshop intent is
to show the recent advances in the frame of the drilling and in the heat pump
solutions to improve the market of the GSHPs.Discussion will
be driven on current limits and potentialities of the GSHPs. In particular the
discussion will be on the possible introduction of a CEN standard committee or
working group on the GSHP systems.
May 24, 15.00-16.30 (Meeting room 9)
Presenters:Francesco Scuderi, Morten Schmelzer
description: By
attending this Eurovent workshop, participants of CLIMA 2016 will learn how to
save energy by applying the best performing air curtains for their construction
projects. Which ISO standards should be applied for measuring air curtain
performance? How state-of-the-art air curtains can contribute to a healthier
indoor environmental quality? We will the upcoming Eurovent rating standard for
air curtains. It makes sound economic sense to create an efficient and
invisible door that keeps the cold and hot inside. Air curtains can be even
more effective when used in air conditioned or cold storage buildings.
Thermozone technology with its precisely adjusted air velocity gives even
protection throughout the opening and contributes to a better indoor air
quality. Effective air curtains provide an efficient separation with the lowest
possible energy consumption, regardless of whether it is the heat or the cold
that project engineers want to keep out. This Eurovent workshop provides for a
hands-on introduction to state-of-the-art air curtain technology, allowing you
to make valid choices concerning your building projects.
May 24, 15.00-16.30 (Meeting room 10)
Frank Hovorka
Presenters:Frank Hovorka, Carolina Mateo
Cecilia, Johann Zirngibl, Jana Bendžalová
Multinational property owners and developers, financial institutions (including
UNEP-FI) and building professionals are demanding international standardisation
and uniform conditions in energy performance certification in order to enhance
the comparability, transparency, coherence, reliability and accuracy in the
Union. The EPBD requires adopting a voluntary common European certification
scheme (VCS) for the energy performance of non-residential buildings. This
workshop will describe how to create this common tool, able to be used Europe
wide, and how it can be integrated in existing environmental certification
May 25, 11.00-12.30 (Meeting room 8)
leaders: Peter
Hug, eu.bac, Andrei Litiu, eu.bac
Presenters:Bonnie Brook, eu.bac, Stefano
Corgnati, REHVA, Simona D’Oca (REHVA), Valentina Fabi (REHVA), Andrei Litiu,
eu.bac, Roland Ullmann, eu.bac
description: The
aim of the workshop is to interactively discuss about the crucial role of
building automation and control systems in continuously optimizing energy use
during the operation phase of buildings while at the same time ensuring
adequate indoor environment quality and enabling occupants’ behaviour change.
The participants will learn about existing tools that help assess how well a
building (new or existing) is equipped for energy use optimization and will be
granted the opportunity to provide feedback on the ongoing work of REHVA &
eu.bac`s Task Force on Building Automation, Controls and Building Management.
May 25, 11.00-12.30 (Meeting room 9)
Organisers: QUALICHeCK
Peter Wouters
Wouters, Jarek
Kurnitski, Francois Durier, Heike Erhon-Kluttig, Susanne Geissler
description: To
address these quality and compliance challenges, the objectives of this
workshop are to discuss the following questions: What is the status on the
ground in terms of quality and compliance? What steps could be taken to improve
the situation? What are key aspects to consider for effective compliance
frameworks? The discussions will be preceded by presentations summarising key
findings of the QUALICHeCK project on these issues.
May 25, 13.00-14.30 (Meeting room 8)
Research, Institute for Renewable energy, IIF-IIR, International Institute of
description: This
workshop is intended to present and discuss tools and solutions for an
effective energy-retrofit of shopping malls. It will take advantage of the
participation of experts from the CommONEnergy project, who will bring their
expertise and open a fruitful debate on the outcomes of the project. The result
of the workshop can be an outline for a guideline on the energy-refurbishment
of shopping malls.
May 25, 13.00-14.30 (Meeting room 9)
Organisers: AIVC
description: Taking
into account the challenges we have in energy saving, there is a clear need for
innovative and smart ventilation systems both in terms of comfort and health
addressing challenges associated with renovation and new buildings. This
session will discuss the need for advancing knowledge on ventilation in future
buildings, it will discuss research priorities and the list the areas where the
innovation is necessary. The broad areas that need to be addressed in the
context of advancing ventilation in the future will be identified prior to the
workshop together with the short list of priorities and innovations. This will
be done by contacting relevant stakeholders in research and industry. The list
will be discussed and supplemented by the workshop participants. The voting
will be completed to identify the priorities that need to be quickly addressed
and methods for their implementations.
May 25, 11.00-12.30 (Meeting room 10)
Plesser, Head of the Energy and Quality Management Group, IGS - TU Braunschweig
Co-chair: Karel Kabele
Presenters:Stefan Plesser, IGS - TU
Braunschweig, Jan Mehnert, synavision GmbH, Niels Delaere, Factor4, Michele
Liziero, EnergyTeam SPA
description: QUANTUM
develops and demonstrates pragmatic services and appropriate tools supporting
quality management for building performance in the design, construction,
commissioning and operation phase as a means to close the gap between predicted
and actual energy performance in European buildings. The workshop will present
the current stage of quality management for building performance and discuss
its role as key action within the life cycle of buildings. It addresses
especially building owners, engineers, facility management and contracting
companies with their individual perspective on quality. REHVA will set up a
Task Force around this topic exchanging related knowledge and using the project
outcomes to elaborate a REHVA Guidebook. The workshop aims also to launch the
Task Force.
the Federation of European Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning
Associations represents 100,000 HVAC experts in 26 European countries. REHVA is
the leading professional organization in Europe, dedicated to the improvement
of health, comfort and energy efficiency in all buildings and
Follow us on social media accounts to stay up to date with REHVA actualities