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Marta Maria SesanaPolitecnico di Milano, | Graziano SalvalaiPolitecnico di Milano, | Simon
LigierCSTB, | Mathieu RivallainCSTB, |
renovation is therefore central to the post-COVID 19 economic recovery and was
specifically referred to in the recovery plan published by the EC on 27 May
2020. The ALDREN project aims at
avoiding the risk of lock-in effects by developing ALDREN Building Renovation
Passport and testing its respective protocols on non-residential buildings
faces a momentous challenge in view of the full decarbonization by 2050 as
stated in the European Green Deal and the renovation wave initiative will
address current low decarbonization rates of around 1% across the EU and tackle
the underlying barriers for improving the energy efficiency of the EU building
stock. Currently, roughly 75% of the building stock is energy inefficient, yet
almost 80% of today’s buildings will still be in use in 2050. The ALDREN goal
is to avoid the lock-in effect and to the deep renovation of non-residential
buildings, providing a tailored Building Renovation Passport for
non-residential buildings to undertake into account homeowners’ needs, desires
and financial risks. At the same time, the lockdown made even more evident the
need to have a building stock climate - resilient, climate-proof, comfortable, safe
and adaptive to the owners’ needs. If we consider all those aspects in a unique
greater picture, it derives the urgent need to set up a long-term renovation
plan with modular, flexible and comprehensible instruments. In this framework,
the ALDREN project proposes the ALDREN Building Renovation Passport (BRP) as a
solution to boost the Renovation Wave. The H2020 ALDREN project began in
November 2017, before the introduction of the Building Renovation Passports
were mentioned in the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EU 2018/844), but it is fully in line with the
EPBD context. Deep renovation is a complex process that involves a complete
overhaul of the energy performance of a building. Most people are aware that
better insulation of walls, roofs and basement will lower the energy
consumption of the building. However, many people are not aware hot to plan
renovation, which measures adopt, when and how much does the intervention
cost. In this context, the ALDREN
project has the goal of encouraging property owners to undertake renovation of existing
buildings using a clear, robust, and comparable method providing a tailored
renovation roadmap for non-residential buildings, which can be carried out in
one stage or in multiple steps over several years: the so-called ALDREN BRP.
Choosing to
introduce the BRP as a tool to inform, motivate and incite building owners and
investors to undertake energy renovation, is a manner by which governments can
bring tangible support to consumers, boosting from one hand the energy
renovation rates and depths, but also taking care of their comfort and consequently
reducing their overall health costs. The ALDREN BRP for non-residential buildings – in particular for office and hotel typologies – has been developed starting from a deep
analysis on the available knowledge and the lessons learned from previous
experiences to be a coherent element in a
common EU solution, but at the same time to become a useful and
dynamic instrument to increase data accessibility and to create more
transparency along the whole renovation path with big data interoperability.
BRP core concept consists in the dual element of the passport: the ALDREN BuildLog and the ALDREN RenoMap,
which make the passport a sort of complementary tool to the EPC with the aim to
increase owners’ awareness about the current technical energy performance
status of their building and support them for its regular daily operation,
coupled with a tailored made renovation roadmap which provide an assessment of three
main KPIs represented in Figure 1.
Figure 1. Key Performance Indicators calculated by the ALDREN BRP.
The whole
ALDREN approach foreseen different calculation protocols for each of the
modules in which the ALDREN BRP is structured and rendered in a unique
instrument. The main characteristics and success factors of the ALDREN BRP are summarized
in Table 1. One of the most important
features to remark is its flexible and modularity structured based on 8 modules
correlated but also independent by each other (Figure 2). The ALDREN auditor in
fact will compose the ALDREN BRP fulfilling only the modules requested by the
Figure 2. Structure representation of the digital worksheet version of the ALDREN BRP.
Table 1. ALDREN BRP success factors.
Digital - paper instrument, complementary to the EPC and structured into 2 main elements: BuildLog and RenoMap. | Harmonized procedure for building data | |||
- Data sets for non- residential - BRP structure suitable also for | - Follow the ALDREN protocols steps - Collect users willing and use them | |||
- Refer to a unique instrument. - Comprehension of real - Awareness on the renovation | - Refer to the ALDREN protocols - Collect users willing and use them |
to the ALDREN Alliance and stakeholders’ community suggestions, in fact, the
owner is one of the most important actor to be considered along the building
value chain and considering that for non-residential buildings (hotel - office)
could be represented by different target groups with different knowledge
background, the ALDREN BRP has been developed in two versions to facilitate the
use and the data comprehension: a digital version comprehensive of all data
collected, calculated or evaluated during the ALDREN BRP preparation and a
paper version which could provide both core and overall indicators according to
the reader (owner or public authorities
or auditor).
Figure 3 illustrates the structure and the
options available for both versions.
Figure 3. Representation of the ALDREN BRP digital and paper version content.
creation of the ALDREN BRP will follow a step by step procedure as represented
in Figure 4 which will lead to the creation of
a tailored made BuildLog and RenoMap
easily update through the time.
Figure 4. Steps diagram for the ALDREN BRP creation.
Across EU there
are different buildings logbook ongoing initiatives such as: the Woningpas in Belgium, the Gëbaudepass
in Germany, the Carnet numérique du lodgement in
France, Fascicolo del fabbricato
in Italy and CASA+ in Portugal. In order to promote their common
implementation, under the EU Green Deal, the EC stated the need to develop a
framework which can harmonize all these initiatives and it funded a study, the B-LOG
project, to create a European-wide definition and concept of a buildings’
digital logbook, carrying out an overview of relevant initiatives, conduct a
gap analysis and produce 3-4 key recommendations for implementation by the end
of 2020. The ALDREN consortium is contributing to this project joining the
stakeholder community as a win - win solution: from one hand sharing lessons
learned from the ALDREN Building Logbook experience and from the other
achieving the ALDREN principles of compliancy and harmonization with other EU
initiatives and directives. Th B-Log project, as first result, has individuated
a common agreed definition for the building logbook: a digital repository where
a building’s main properties (ownership, building design, materials used, structures,
installations, systems, adaptations, investment, operational and maintenance
costs, health and safety, performance indicators, certifications, etc.) can be
compiled and updated when necessary throughout the life of the building,
granting an easily accessible and comparable overview of a specific building. the
comparative analysis on the in-place initiatives on logbook highlighted
moreover that they are all still facing with many barriers for further
implementation or harmonization like: costs implications, privacy and data
management, fragmented regional approach, static nature of the building
logbook, administrative burden and access to information.
Over the
life cycle of buildings and at different stages, a lot of valuable data and
information are generated and gathered (e.g. design, construction, operation,
renovation, maintenance) and with different objectives or reasons (e.g. regulatory
compliance, cost management, operation and management, insurance, finance).
However, this information is largely not organized and managed in a systematic
way. Some information only benefits few market players; sometimes information
has to be re-created several times and often almost none stays in the hands of
property owners. Information is spread over many places and tools for safely
storing, digitizing and updating information are largely missing [1]. The
ALDREN BuildLog for those reasons has been structured
into 6 modules with specific and respective protocols to follow for their
fulfillment independent from one to another but at the same time they could
share data, in order to optimize the information collection process. The BuildLog could facilitate access to structured information
about how the building was originally designed, what changes have been made and
what is its actual performance service level and planned maintenance.
optimized embedding of energy performance actions in the refurbishment
processes of non-residential buildings is a central goal of the ALDREN project.
Completing the logbook, the ALDREN BRP also integrates a renovation roadmap (RenoMap) module. This tool and the related methodology
allow the building owners to plan long term strategies for the renovation of
their building following the ambitious energy performance requirement toward
2050 NZEB buildings objectives.
As a part of the ALDREN BRP, the RenoMap provides the necessary overview and long-term perspective to enhance the management of non-residential buildings. Renovation and upgrading processes have to be integrated among many operating constraints, also considering financial views as building valuation and rental management. Many questions arise when a refurbishment project is considered. What is the priority considering energy performance improvements? How to stage the renovation actions? What will be the investment cost and the financial impacts? How to be in line with existing and coming regulations? Are the changes going to improve comfort and functional qualities in the building?
The RenoMap aims at replying to these questions among others.
It integrates the other developments and methodologies from the ALDREN project,
using the proposed performance indicators related to standard and actual energy
performance, financial valuation and indoor environment quality.
proposed approach is easily implementable to support the owners’ choices during
the decision phase of an initiated renovation project. The RenoMap
aims at reaching different objectives, both related to the coming project and
the building lifetime:
a complete overview of the NZEB compliant elementary renovation actions (ERAs)
which could be implemented on the building.
and evaluating a complete building renovation potential considering the
application of all ERAs.
primary packages of renovation actions to implement in the initiated project,
considering components degradation, owners priorities,
return on investment, energy performance and technical interactions.
a long-term plan and organizing the renovation packages according to technical
requirements and opportunities (tenants
performance indicators of the potential intermediate renovated states to
provide the building owner the information to shape the initiated renovation
project by integrating more or less renovation packages.
The tool is
divided in two modules, the evaluation table of elementary renovation actions
and the step-by-step renovation roadmap. The first part is based on information
collected during the energy audit and the owner interview. The definition and
evaluation of ERAs is based on annexes providing support concerning NZEB level
compliancy and qualitative performance levels of building components.
Figure 5. Qualitative indicators to evaluate Elementary Renovation Actions in the 1st RenoMap module.
The second
module consolidates advanced information. Energy simulations and ALDREN
methodologies must be conducted to evaluate current and fully renovated
building states. The gathering of packages following strategy guidance aims at
accompanying the building owner in the decision-making process.
Figure 6. Summary board of the 2ndRenoMap module –
Step-by-step renovation roadmap.
project has the goal of encouraging building renovation using a clear, robust,
and comparable method providing a tailored renovation roadmap, which can be
carried out in one stage or in multiple steps over a long-term vision: the
so-called ALDREN BRP. The implementation and use of ALDREN BRP will support and
improve the following aspects:
of administrative burden for owners and professionals;
of the need to recreate information over the life cycle of the building;
of the lock-in effect and reduction of information asymmetries along the
building supply chain;
of more realistic operation and maintenance costs of the renovation actions;
taxonomy and languages from the different actor of the value chain;
of cost management, facilitating decision-making and building operation and
maintenance, and assessing mortgage and insurance-related risks;
energy and environmental performance and user comfort.
Acknowledgement | |
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020
research and innovation programme under grant agreement 754159. The sole
responsibility for the content of this paper lies with the authors. It does
not necessarily reflect the opinion of the European Commission (EC). The EC
is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it
contains. |
[1] “Global trends in data capture and
management in real estate and construction”, RICS, Nov. 2017
[2] ALDREN (ALliance
for Deep RENovation in buildings)
[3] European Union: Directive 2012/27/EU of the
European Parliament and of the Council on Energy Efficiency, l 16 October 2012.
[4] The Economist, Investing in energy efficiency
in Europe’s buildings. A view from the construction and real estate sectors,
[5] B-LOG project First Stakeholder Workshop,
BPIE Europe, 1 July 2020.
[6] Directive (EU) 2018/844 of the European
Parliament and of the Council of 30 May 2018 amending Directive 2010/31/EU on
the energy performance of buildings.
[7] M.M. Sesana; M.Rivallain; G. Salvalai, Overview of the Available Knowledge for the Data
Model Definition of a Building Renovation Passport for Non-Residential
Buildings: The ALDREN Project Experience, Sustainability 2020, 12(2), 642.
[8] M.M. Sesana; G. Salvalai, A review on Building Renovation Passport:
Potentialities and barriers on current initiatives, Energy and Buildings, Volume
173, 15 August 2018, Pages 195-205.
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