Installation Engineers Association from Moldova
- Established: 2002
- Company Members/Supporters: 10
- Number of personnel in the office: 8
TEHNOLOGIILE MILENIULUI TREI- Moldavian magazine for sanitary, heating, ventilation, air conditioning, cold, electricity, gas installations
Number of issue/year: 2
Number of copies per issue/year: 1000
Training “Realization of State politics in the field of standardization, metrology and industrial safety”, for the specialists in the field of Gas systems designing, installing, exploitation.
29 organizations (inclusive 1 company from Romania) with 60 specialists took part in the seminar (4 – 5 June, 2004)
The General Assembly of the AEHVAC HGS members of 23 organizations took part in the Assembly (2 October, 2004)
The New production Presentation of the Sweden company “GHEORG FISHER”.
18 organizations took part in the presentation (21 June, 2005)
Training “Energy efficiency and auditing. International experience, state and perspectives in the Republic of Moldova”, was organized in collaboration with the Energy Saving International AS, Norway and the Department of Heat and Gas Supply and Ventilation of the Technical University of Moldova (15 – 16 September, 2005)
National conference per year: 1
AIIRM prepared and edited a “Romanian – Russian, Russian – Romanian terminological dictionary in the heat and gas supply and ventilation, sanitary technical and water supply and sewerage field”.
The Association takes the direct part in the preparation and publication and modernization of current normative building documentation. Chair – men of the Technical Building Committees: CTC.G.03 “Water supply and sewerage”, CTC.G.04 “Heat and gas supply and air-conditioning”, CTC.G.05 “Gas supply”. The members of these Committees are active members of this Association
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