General legislative framework

European Commission presented the Europeans Heating and Cooling Strategy on 16 February. The 13-page strategy builds on exiting EU legislation and identifies areas where update or reform is needed to deliver on the Energy Union objectives.

In its 2016 impact assessments for the reviews of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive, the Energy Efficiency Directive, and the Renewable Energy Directive and for the new Market Design Initiative, the Commission will analyse different options to help buildings and industry shift to efficient, decarbonised energy systems based on renewable energy sources and the use of waste heat.  

These analyses will include district heating and cooling and electrification of heating through heat pumps. They will study how to expand demand response and reduction and the use of thermal storage in the electricity system, how to create the right incentives for the deployment of smart technologies, and how to increase the effectiveness of public funds and mobilise private investors.

Actions supported under the heating and cooling sector

Actions supported under the heating and cooling sector

Actions supported by Horizon 2020 programme include research, innovation and demonstration of energy efficient and renewable heating and cooling sollutions. At the same time, support is also provided for the innovative approaches for the integration of sustainable healting and cooling infrastructure in EU cities. Thus, public and private bodies are being supported in developing bankable sustainable energy investments through projects financed by dedicated technical assistance facilities.

Find out more information and overview on specific supported action here

In addition to the activities above, the Commission is also managing other tenders in support of the Heating and Cooling sector, including a study for the 2020 – 2030 period in heating and cooling fuel deployment. Due to that, the Commission is also providing support to the key activities of the European Technology Platform on Renewable Heating and Cooling.

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