Dr. Simona D’Oca, Arch., U-CERT Project's Coordinator, had the great honour and pleasure to introduce earlier today U-CERT project to the representatives of EU's Member States in the latest Concerted Action Energy Performance of Buildings plenary meeting.
Download here the PDF slide deck
Alongside, U-CERT project, the other sister projects on this topic that started activities in 2019 were also presented i.e. X-tendo and QualDeEPC.
Furthermore, time was allocated for meaningful exchanges paving the path to leveraging and capitalizing the outcomes and results of the above mentioned projects (and more so the additional sister projects that started in 2020 and those that will start next year) in the current EPBD's implementation in general and ever more relevant in the scope of the EU Renovation Wave that will open up for revision next year the EPCertificate component of the EPBD.