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Peter WoutersINIVE EEIG, | François DurierCETIAT, Francefranç | Bart IngelaereBBRI, |
to Wikipedia (, building
information modelling (BIM) is a process involving the generation and
management of digital representations of physical and functional
characteristics of places. Building information models (BIMs) are files (often
but not always in proprietary formats and containing proprietary data) which
can be extracted, exchanged or networked to support decision-making regarding a
building or other built asset. Current BIM software is used by individuals,
businesses and government agencies who plan, design, construct, operate and
maintain diverse physical infrastructures, such as water, refuse, electricity,
gas, communication utilities, roads, bridges, ports, tunnels, etc.
The future
market uptake of BIM is difficult to predict with great accuracy, but it
clearly is a development with great potential.
In terms of
requirements, an increased number of countries impose the use of BIM for
certain types of projects, e.g.:
· Since 2007, obligatory in Norway for public buildings, in Finland for any project above 2 M€ and in the USA for any major project
· Since 2012 mandatory in the Netherlands for any major public project
· Since 2014 mandatory in Hong Kong for any public project
· Since 2016 mandatory in South Korea for any project above 50 M$ and in the UK for public projects
In a 2016
report ‘Shaping the Future of Construction – A breakthrough in mindset and
technology’ by the World Economic Forum, prepared in collaboration with the
Boston Consulting Group, the market view on a whole range of new technologies
has been collected. From this survey, it appears that integrated BIM has the
highest likelihood AND the highest expected impact on the construction sector
in the future compared to thirteen other new technologies (such as advanced
building materials, augmented reality, 3D printing of components, big data
At present,
the calculation of the EPC of a building is an activity on its own. One has to
collect all input data (surfaces, volumes, product and system data, …) and
enter them into the software tool. This can be very time consuming. Reducing
the effort to collect and enter input data can rely on either simplified
calculation procedures (for e.g. dwelling treated as a single zone, default
values for various systems, simplified description of thermal bridges) or on
calculation software with embedded product characteristics databases.
With BIM, and
of course depending on the level of development of the BIM approach, all the
input data for EPC calculations are part of the BIM model. Of course, specific
tools have to be developed for the EPC calculations, with the ability to use
BIM files for input data, and to generate results that are integrated into the
BIM. Such BIM approach can very substantially reduce
the required efforts for producing an EPC. As such it will be more easy to
generate and evaluate variations to optimize the overall performance. In the
“as built” stage, it will again be relatively easy to verify if the
requirements are met.
What can be
the impact on the calculation procedures themselves? An interesting example are
thermal bridges: with a detailed description of the building
envelope through BIM, and given the calculation power or modern computers, it
becomes possible to have a 3-dimensional transmission analysis of the building
shell, meaning that there is no need any more to have a specific analysis of
thermal bridges.
example is the assessment of overheating risks. At present, most countries use
simplified procedures which only give a rough indication of the risk of
overheating and/or the related energy consumption for achieving appropriate
thermal comfort. With a detailed BIM model, much more refined assessment
methods can be used without requiring specific efforts for collecting input
countries have at present (very) simplified procedures to assess the energy
performance of HVAC systems. With BIM, a more refined
assessment becomes possible as the actual characteristics of the systems are
easily available.
In order to
accelerate the market uptake of BIM, standardisation of protocols is important.
Within CEN, Technical Committee 442 (Building Information Modelling) was
created in September 2015. In ISO, Technical Committee 59 (Buildings and civil
engineering works) is also dealing with BIM.
With the
market uptake of BIM, and assuming that BIM models will be used for EPC
calculations, there might be also new tasks for standardisation in relation to
EPBD related standards. BIM offers the possibility to have a better physical
modelling of energy processes (see examples mentioned ahead for thermal
bridges, overheating assessment, HVAC modelling). It is important that the (CEN
and ISO) standards reflect such development. A liaison officer between CEN TC
442 and the energy related CEN TC’s has been nominated.
At present,
there are still major differences in the national EPC calculation methods. With
the new set of CEN standards, one can expect more convergence in the EPC
calculation procedures. However, one observes sometimes very big differences in
the visions on the need for simplification and this is often a barrier for
further convergence.
With BIM,
there is the possibility to come with limited or no efforts for the user to a
more accurate physical modelling of the energy performances and therefore the
possibility of nearly no differences in views between member states. If the
thermal bridges are automatically calculated due to the fact that the BIM model
has all relevant information, why should countries have different procedures?
At present,
data collection for calculating the EPC of a building is in most cases an
autonomous activity not linked to other design and execution processes. This
might fundamentally change if BIM becomes mainstream. All relevant product and
system data can then be directly integrated into the BIM objects (brick,
thermal insulation, fan, heat pump, …), together with an information about
their compliance to the national procedures for determining input data.
Moreover, an integrated BIM model will be updated according to design or
execution modifications, making that it will effectively represent what is
constructed. Therefore, the energy performance calculation can be made for the
as-built building.
As a
result, it might mean that, once the BIM approach has become mature, there is
nearly no need for specific compliance efforts related to the compliance of EPC
and its input data.
potential advantage of the market uptake of BIM is the possibility to come to a
better quality of the works. This can be illustrated for ventilation systems.
If the BIM model of the installation includes all components, it will be easily
possible thanks to dedicated software to assess if the required air flow rates
can be achieved, if the acoustical performances can be reached.
The issue
of the smartness indicator proposed by the EC for the amendment of the EPBD is
the topic of another article in this journal. With the expected market uptake
of BIM, it probably becomes also possible to set up in a cost-effective manner
more refined assessment methods for the smartness indicator of a buildings.
It is at
present not clear how quickly BIM will become mainstream for new and existing
building projects, but there is no doubt that its importance will substantially
grow in the coming decade. BIM can offer major opportunities in relation to the
energy performance assessment of buildings, including compliance and
enforcement. Moreover, it can at the same time contribute to better quality of
the construction and of the installed energy systems, as well as to the market
uptake of smart building systems.
QUALICHeCK responds to the challenges related to compliance of Energy
Performance Certificate (EPC) declarations and the quality of the building
works. Find out more at
project is co-funded by the Intelligent Energy Europe Programme of the European
Union. The sole responsibility for the content of this article lies with the
author(s). It does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the European Union.
Neither the EASME nor the European Commission are responsible for any use that
may be made of the information contained therein.
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