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Mateusz BogdanPhD. MSc.CFD, Air Quality and | Edouard WaltherPhD. MSc.Building Physics Advisor, |
The widespread comfort index “Predicted Mean
Vote” (PMV) by (Fanger 1970) gives a
prediction of the average mean thermal sensation depending on the steady-state
sensible and latent heat load on the individual in his environment. The predicted
percentage of dissatisfied (PPD) is linked to the PMV with a Gaussian-like
relationship (see Figure 1), depending directly on the
heat load that results from the ambient conditions.
Figure 1. PMV to PPD relationship.
This comfort index
has been developed for indoor conditions with wall temperatures that do not
deviate much from the air’s one, and for individuals whose metabolism has
reached steady-state, thus implying an exposition time to ambient conditions
reaching several hours. The PMV can hence no more be applied to the outdoor or
semi-outdoor cases, especially due to the rapid variations of air velocities,
mean radiant temperatures and because the average time spent in such places (for
instance railway stations) is short compared to the human metabolism reaction
time. A detailed, transient simulation of heat and vapour transfer is then
necessary for this type of spaces.
Decades of research
in the fields of comfort and applied medical biology have allowed constructing predictive
models of the human thermal behaviour. They depend on ambient conditions and human
thermal control reactions of the metabolism.
The “Standard Effective Temperature” (or
“SET*”) is a comfort index originating from the research of (Nishi et Gagge 1977). It is based on the
transient modelling of the human metabolism, including the mechanisms of
thermoregulation caused by the ambient conditions or the activity level (perspiration,
sweating, shivering, vasoconstriction or dilation). It was adapted to outdoor and
semi-outdoor spaces by (Pickup et de Dear 2007)
and referred to as “Out_SET*”.
The central idea of the SET* is to convert the
ambient conditions studied into a single temperature for a reference case: low
air velocity (v~0.1 m/s), mean radiant temperature being equal to the air
temperature and ambient relative humidity of 50%. In these conditions, the SET*
is the operative temperature that leads to the same physiological reactions as
the studied ambient conditions, this means: the same skin wetness and skin
temperature after a given exposition time (hence SET* or Out_SET* and duration
of exposition are inseparable). This little-used approach is however proposed
as a reference for the study of thermal comfort by the (ASHRAE 2013).
The inability of steady-state methods to yield
a correct prediction of the level of comfort in varying ambient conditions is
illustrated on Figure 2: the metabolic evolution of an
individual suddenly exposed to a hot summer environment is plotted, starting
from the set temperatures of the body. In these conditions, one can observe
that the core and skin temperatures do not approach their steady-state values before
30 minutes (“steady” on the figure), whereas the dynamics of regulation via
skin wetness are slower and take about ~100 minutes to stabilize. Winter conditions
produce an even slower response and body temperatures take 3 to 4 hours to
stabilize. Using a steady-state approximation for the estimation of thermal
comfort leads to an underestimation of discomfort as far as short expositions
are concerned (below one hour), as underlined in (Höppe 2002).
Figure 2. Out_SET* model, comparison between
the steady-state and transient physiological values for summer conditions.
These statements
are true for the “step response” (as per Figure 2),
however they remain valid for changing ambient conditions, especially air
velocity and solar flux, both having a strong impact on human heat balance. As
an illustration, 800 W/m² of incident solar radiation are equivalent to a
27 K increase of the mean radiant temperature.
However, if the
SET*/Out_SET* provides a tool to evaluate an environment, it does not give the
designer a comfort scale. The research done by (Int
Hout 1990) has allowed to bridge this gap, conciliating the “indoor” PMV
and SET* thanks to the reference indoor environment provided in the calculation
of the SET*. This allows for a quantitative estimation of the level of comfort equivalent
to a given SET* or Out_SET* temperature, using the classical PMV approach,
renamed as PMV* in this case.
The influence of
air velocity on the comfort zone is shown on Figure 3.
One can observe the comfort zone position (−0.5<PMV*<+0.5) on
the psychrometric diagram for two velocity magnitudes. When air speed increases,
the comfort zone shifts towards higher temperatures: the reduction of the temperature
difference is compensated by an increase of the convective heat exchange coefficient,
allowing for a stable heat balance even at higher temperatures.
Figure 3. PMV* - Comfort zone position for =0.15 m/s (dotted line) and
= 0.5 m/s (solid line).
The heat and vapour
transfer resistance properties of clothing are also dependent on the air
velocity. Infiltration and “pumping” due to the individuals’ physical activity reduce
the insulating properties of cloth in comparison to the still air situation.
A method for
evaluating the lessening of heat and vapour transfer resistance properties was
provided by (Holmér, et al. 1999) and (Havenith, et al. 1999), which participated in
the elaboration of the norm ISO 9920. Based on their study, the influence of
air velocity on clothing properties is characterized by a strong reduction of
transfer resistance: compared to a still air environment, a 1 m/s air velocity
leads to a 40% decrease of convective resistance and a 60% decrease of vapour
transfer resistance. Figure 4 shows the position of the
comfort zone on the psychrometric chart with and without the modification of
cloth properties depending on air velocities. Such a correction leads to a
shift of the comfort zone towards higher temperatures, which is equivalent to
wearing clothes that provide less insulation.
Figure 4. PMV* - Comfort zone position with (solid
line) and without (dotted line) correction of cloth insulation.
Given the strong variation
of ambient conditions and the short duration of stay, classical indexes are not
suited to the estimation of comfort in semi-outdoor spaces, the latter being
characterized by highly transient phenomena. It his however possible to qualify
comfort rationally, using a refined simulation of the temporal evolution of
human metabolism. A detailed knowledge of incident solar fluxes and air
velocities is the obvious corollary to such modelling. The calculation of
velocity distributions is a challenge in terms of computability, however the
rapid evolution of computing capacity and performance, along with the
development of affordable on-line ‘cloud’ services make such approaches
possible. The metabolic history also has a sensible effect on comfort
perception, as mentioned in (Walther et Barry
Standard 55-Thermal Environmental Conditions for Human Occupancy. 2013.
P. O. Thermal Comfort: Analysis and applications in environmental engineering.
Mc Graw Hill, 1970.
S. Brager, R. de Dear. "A Standard for Natural Ventilation." ASHRAE
Journal Volume 42 , n°10, 2000: 21-28.
G., I. Holmér, E.A. Den Hartog, and K.C. Parsons. "Clothing Evaporative
Heat Resistance - Proposal for Improved Representation in Standards and
Models." Ann. Occ. Hyg., 1999: (43-5):339-346.
I., H. Nilsson, G. Havenith, and K. Parsons. "Clothing Convective Heat
Exchange -Proposal for Improved Prediction in Standards and Models."
Annals of Occupational Hygiene, 1999: (43)5-329-337.
J. "Different aspects of assessing indoor and outdoor thermal
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Hout, D. "Thermal comfort calculations / A computer model." ASHRAE
Transactions, 1990: (96)840-844.
Y., and A.P. Gagge. "Effective Temperature Scale Useful for Hypo-and
Hyperbaric Environments." Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine,
1977: 97-107.
J., and R. de Dear. "An outdoor thermal comfort index (Out_SET*) - Part I
- The model and its assumptions." In Biometeorology and Urban Climatology
at the Turn of the Millennium., 279-283. Geneva: WMO, 2007.
E., and R. Barry. "Réduction des incertitudes de modélisation de
ventilation naturelle et prédiction du confort en espace semi-ouvert." IBPSA France. Champs-sur-Marne,
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