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principle of the ventilation system with the air solar collector and the LHS
unit presented in Figure 1 is divided into the heating and
cooling mode, meaning that the system can be used during the whole year.
Operation principle in the cooling mode consists of two
consecutive cycles. The first cycle (charging period) is carried out at night
when the cold outside air is supplied with the fan to the LHS unit (number 1 on
Figure 1), where air flows around compact
storage modules (CSM) filled with the PCM. The heat in the PCM is transferred
to the air flow and causes cooling of PCM, which solidifies and in this way accumulates cold. Air is then transported outdoors (2).
The second cycle (discharging period) is carried out during daytime when
cooling demand occurs. In the second cycle, warm outside air enters in the LHS
unit (1) and transfers the heat to the solid PCM, which then melts. In this
instance, the air flow cools down and then enters the
room (3). In the heating mode, the cold outside air is
transported with the fan through the air solar collector (4), where it is
heated under influence of solar radiation. Heated air is then transported
through the LHS unit (5) where it transfers the heat to the PCM, which
liquefies and accumulates the heat in form of latent heat. In the morning or
evening, or when the solar radiation intensity is insufficient, the cold
outside air is transported through the LHS unit (1) where the PCM solidifies
and with that releases the heat. Released heat from the PCM heats the passing
air flow, which is than supplied to the room (3) at the temperature level that
reduces the risk of thermal discomfort [1].
Figure 1. Schematic principle of ventilation system
operation [1].
air-heating flat-plate solar collector, a commercial product of SolAir company [2], was installed in the investigated
system. The air solar collector has an area of 1.638 m² and it was mounted
vertically on the parapet below the office window (90° tilt angle of the
collector) on South side of the building of the Faculty of Mechanical
Engineering in Ljubljana with 17° azimuth. The solar absorber plate is made of
aluminium with fin thickness of 0.2 mm and with fin width of 30 mm.
Solar absorptance of the absorber is 93% with tolerance of ±2%. Its
hemispherical emittance is 35% with tolerance of ±3%. The absorber is painted
with black thickness insensitive spectrally selective (TISS) paint. The air
flow channels are connected with no spacing in between and the air solar
collector is connected to LHS unit inside of the office. The glazing of the air
solar collector is made of extruded solid polycarbonate sheets with thickness
of 4 mm and with solar transmittance of 90% ±1%. The thermal insulation is
made of polyethylene and it is located on the backside of the air solar
collector while there is no sidewise insulation.
measurements of the air solar collector were done at Fraunhofer Institute for
Solar Energy Systems ISE in Freiburg, Germany [3]. Power output of the air
solar heating collector has been obtained through measurements under the
steady-state conditions with the calorimetry method. The efficiency of the air
solar collector reduced to the aperture area with radiation of normal incidence
is 0.703. The value is obtained at the solar irradiation on the air solar
collector plane of 961 W/m², thermal power output of 1290 W and air
mass flow rate of 250 kg/h.
The casing
for CSM plates was made of 8 mm thick PMMA with external dimensions of
725 mm x 460 mm x 420 mm. The LHS unit was thermally insulated
with 50 mm thick EPS. The LHS unit contained 29 CSM plates filled with
paraffin Rubitherm RT22HC [4] which has the melting
range between 20°C and 23°C with the melting peak temperature of 22°C. The heat
capacity of RT22HC between 14°C and 29°C is 200 kJ/kg ± 7.5%. The melting
temperature of the PCM was chosen in a way to ensure maximum melting and
solidification during the operation of LHS with consideration for both
heat and cold storage. During discharge period of heat, the PCM should release
heat within its own melting range which is within the comfort level. The
melting point for used PCM is appropriate for Slovenian climate which is
between 22°C and 23°C [1].
Figure 2. The LHS unit with CSM plates (left)
and elements of experimental system (right).
On the left
side of Figure 2 the LHS unit with visible CSM
plates inside the LHS unit is presented. External dimensions of CSM plates were
300 mm x 450 mm x 150 mm and they were horizontally positioned
in the LHS where the longer side was perpendicular to the air flow direction.
The distance between panels (air gap) was 10 mm. Average mass of the
filled CSM panel was 1361 ± 5 g, weight of the PCM (RT22HC) in the panel was
1003 ± 5 g, the volume of each panel was 1.42 L and the volume of the PCM was
1.3 L. Approximately 9% of the panel volume is empty in order to compensate for
the volume expansion of the PCM and to avoid deformation of the panel due to
higher pressure. Compactness of the LHS is 133 m²/m³ (ratio between
surface of plates and volume of plates), density of stored heat is 16 kWh/m³
(ratio between stored heat and volume of LHS) [1].
Elements of
the experimental system are shown on the right side the Figure 2. On
the inlet of the LHS unit, the streamer is attached because of the air flow
separation possibility. On the outlet side of the LHS unit, a grid is attached
for mixing the air flow. Inlet and outlet air ducts that are connected to the
LHS unit are made of PVC ducts with 100 mm diameter and are thermally
insulated with 20 mm thick thermal insulation. In the inlet duct in front
of the LHS unit there is the axial fan with nominal power of 30 W. Fan is
connected to the speed regulator which regulates the fan speed according to
five different speed settings. The speed regulator is controlled with a
programmable time switch. At the same time, the motor hatch is controlled with
a programmable time switch. The motor switching hatch is installed in the
outlet duct of the LHS unit and it enables to redirect the air flow outdoors or
in the office.
investigated ventilation system operated in the heating mode for continuous
ventilation of the office. Operation of the investigated system consists of
charging period (Figure 3a) and discharging period (Figure 3b).
In the
charging period, the heat is stored in the LHS unit during presence of solar radiation
which heats the cold outside air in the air solar collector. Heated air
transfers the heat to the PCM in the LHS unit and is then supplied to the
office (Figure 3a). The discharging period is taking place when
air is not heated in the air solar collector due to insufficient solar
radiation. The cold outside air is then heated in the LHS unit, where
accumulated heat in the PCM releases and transfers to the passing air flow
which is supplied to the office with the suitable temperature level for thermal
comfort (Figure 3b).
Figure 3. Ventilation of the office in
the heating mode in the charging period (a) and in the discharging period (b).
experiment was performed with constant air flow rate through the LHS unit. The
LHS unit stored heat during daytime and released it during night-time by
transporting it outdoors. Therefore, the fan operated the whole time and the
switching hatch directed air to the outlet duct of the system which led
outdoors. As a result, we achieved maximum heat flows because the LHS unit
completely released the heat during night time and accumulated maximum capacity
of the heat during daytime when solar radiation was present. The measurements
were performed over six sunny days at the end of March. Figure 4
shows the measured air temperatures for the mentioned time period: the room
temperature (relevant for calculating heat losses of LHS unit), inlet air
temperature of the air solar collector, the air temperature at the inlet of the
LHS unit (which is essentially the outlet temperature from the air solar
collector) and the outlet air temperature of the LHS unit.
collector inlet air temperature was mainly between 6°C and 34°C with the
average temperature of 18°C (Figure 4). On
March 28, the air temperature increased up to 45°C. The reason for such high
amplitudes was the measurements of the air temperatures near the south side of
building envelope (facade), where the air solar collector is installed. The
building envelope (facade) was heated by solar radiation and thereby the
radiation from the building envelope heated the surrounding air. Higher
temperatures near building envelope are favourable from the energy performance
point of view as the air temperature close to the facade tends to be higher
(sometimes significantly) than the outdoor air temperature.
Figure 4. Measured air temperatures.
During the
system operation the peaks of the outlet air temperature from the air solar
collector were around 70°C, as we can see from Figure 4. The
maximum air temperature reached 74°C while the minimum air temperature was
14°C. The maximum outlet air temperature from the LHS unit was 65°C, at which
the temperature level became too high for direct ventilation of the office and
we had to reject the excess heat. The minimum air temperature from the LHS unit
was 21°C, which was suitable for direct ventilation of the office.
Outlet air
temperatures are presented in the organized diagram (Figure 5),
where a comparison between different ventilation systems is shown. The
comparison is made between ventilation system with no additional system (direct
supply of the outside air to the office), ventilation system with the air solar
collector and ventilation system with the air solar collector including the LHS
unit. The interest of the presented experiment was the comparison between the
air solar collector ventilation system with LHS unit and without LHS unit.
Difference between outlet air temperatures of the air solar collector and the
LHS unit (Figure 5) presents accumulated or released
heat in the LHS unit. When the curve of the outlet air temperature from the air
solar collector is higher than the curve of the outlet air temperature from the
LHS unit, the heat is accumulated in the LHS unit. When the curve of the air
solar collector is lower than the curve of the LHS unit, the heat from the LHS
unit is released.
Figure 5. Organized diagram of outlet air
In this
experiment the investigated ventilation system with the air solar collector
which includes the LHS unit increased average air temperature of the office
ventilation in the temperature range up to 23°C. This statement implies a good
potential for the application of LHS in the ventilation system. Outlet
temperature from the LHS unit (supply temperature for the office ventilation)
with value from 20°C to 23°C appeared in 43% of the total ventilation time
which presents the positive impact of the LHS unit on the indoor thermal
daily energy savings of the ventilation system without LHS in the period of the
experiment (6 days at the end of the March) were 89%, according to the
required heat for covering total ventilation losses. In case of the integrated
LHS unit in the ventilation system, maximum energy savings (100%) were achieved
in the same time period. This means that ventilation losses were completely
covered and no auxiliary heating was required. In the ventilation system
without the LHS unit, average energy savings of the ventilation system with the
LHS unit were 11% for the period of the experiment, while maximum energy
savings were 21% and minimum were 7%. For analysis of the whole heating season
it is recommended to consult work of Stritih et al. [5],
where analysis on monthly basis was made through numerical simulation of the
investigated system.
availability of energy from renewable energy sources presents a problem in
energy supply, when the energy from renewable source is not available at the
best possible conditions. That is why the advantage of the short-term energy
storage in PCM is in levelling the mismatch between energy supply and demand.
PCM can be used in different kind of applications of active ventilation system
where energy is stored at the time when the source of energy has the highest
potential, and is released when energy demand occurs. Since the indoor thermal
comfort is of significant importance, the melting temperature of PCM used in
ventilation system is selected at the temperature of indoor thermal comfort
because PCM releases heat at almost constant temperature in the latent region
of heat.
This study
was financially supported by the Slovenian Research Agency through the research
program P2-0223.
[1] E. Osterman. "Analysis of a latent heat storage unit for heating
and cooling of building's space." PhD thesis, Ljubljana (2015).
[2] SolAir. "Air solar
collectors." Solaird.o.o.,
Celje (2016). Accessible on:
[3] Fraunhofer ISE. "Test report according to EN 12975-1:2006 +
A1:2010/EN ISO 9806:2013." Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems
ISE, Freiburg (2016).
[4] Rubitherm.
"Data sheet." Rubitherm Technologies GmbH,
Berlin (2016). Accessible on:
U. Stritih, P. Charvat,
R. Koželj, L. Klimes, E.
Osterman, M. Ostry, V. Butala:
"Experimental and numerical investigations of PCM thermal storage system
for heating and cooling of buildings." Prepared for publication in Special
Issue on Energy Storage with Energy Efficient Buildings and Districts in
Sustainable Cities and Society (2017).
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