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The QUALICHeCK project works towards improved compliance and quality of the works for better energy performance of buildings. One of the output formats of the project are so-called factsheets: brief documents which comprehensively present a specific situation, framework or practice, relevant to the aspects of quality and compliance examined by QUALICHECK, namely: “Status on the Ground”, “Compliant and Easily Accessible EPC Input Data”, “Quality of the Works”, and “Compliance and Effective Penalties”. The aim is to highlight and document interesting approaches, which could be adapted and applied further and elsewhere. To this end, the factsheets analyse approaches that have been implemented, point out the pros and cons of options that may be considered, and give hints and pitfalls to avoid if replicated in other contexts.
This article gives an overview of the 57 factsheets produced within the framework of QUALICHeCK.
All factsheets, in chronological order, are available at
To access only the fact sheets relevant for the topic of your interest, go to and click on the link inside the relevant cell.
Technologies | Transmission Characteristics | Ventilation and Airtightness | Sustainable Summer Comfort
Technologies | Renewables in Multi-Energy Systems |
Aspects | ||||
Status on the Ground | #10, #11, #12, #13, #14, #16, #17, #19, #20, #25, #27, #32, #35, #38 | #10, #11, #12, #16, #18, #19, #20, #21, #27, #33, #35, #38 | #12, #15, #16, #18, #19, #27, #31, #35, #38 | #12, #16, #19, #27, #35, #38 |
Compliant and Easily Accessible EPC Input Data | #05, #23, #24, #43, #46, #49, #56 | #03, #05, #24, #42, #43, #46, #49, #50, #56 | #04, #05, #43, #46, #49, #53, #56 | #24, #42, #43, #46, #49, #50, #56 |
Quality of the Works | #02, #08, #09, #22, #28, #29, #30, #44, #47, #51, #52, #57 | #01, #08, #09, #22, #28, #30, #44, #51, #52, #57 | #22, #28, #51, #52, #57 | #22, #28, #51, #52, #57 |
Compliance Frameworks | #26, #36, #37, #39, #48 | #06, #07, #36, #37, #39, #45, #48, #54, #55 | #36, #37, #39, #48 | #34, #36, #37, #39, #41, #48 |
FACT SHEET #01 Building regulations can foster quality management – the French example on building airtightness
FACT SHEET #02 The German contractor’s declaration: supporting compliance with minimum energy performance requirements
FACT SHEET #03 French voluntary scheme for harmonised publication of ventilation product data
FACT SHEET #04 European voluntary rating programme of cool roofing products
FACT SHEET #05 Voluntary scheme and database for compliant and easily accessible EPC product input data in Belgium
FACT SHEET #06 Regulatory compliance checks of residential ventilation systems in France
FACT SHEET #07 Building airtightness in France – regulatory context, control procedures, results
FACT SHEET #08 Quality control of Stuttgart’s retrofit standard realised by the city’s energy consultancy office
FACT SHEET #09 AMA – General material and workmanship specifications
FACT SHEET #10 The Swedish Lågan programme for buildings with low energy use
FACT SHEET #11 The Swedish Sveby scheme – standardise and verify the energy performance of buildings
FACT SHEET #12 QUALICHeCK Study Austria – Assessment of EPC input data based on recalculation and on-site validation
FACT SHEET #13 QUALICHeCK Study Belgium – Assessment of the Belgian quality control framework for installation of thermal insulation in existing cavity walls
FACT SHEET #14 QUALICHECK Study Cyprus – Compliance of Energy Performance Certificates (EPCs): differences between calculated U-values in EPCs versus actual U-values
FACT SHEET #15 QUALICHECK Study Estonia – Summertime overheating prevention requirements and compliance assessment
FACT SHEET #16 QUALICHECK Study France – compliance of regulatory and design studies on energy performance of new buildings
FACT SHEET #17 QUALICHECK Study Greece – Compliance of Energy Performance Certificates (EPCs): comparison of the implemented U-values as reported in the EPC with the design U-values for door/window frames and external insulation
FACT SHEET #18 QUALICHECK Study Greece – Compliance with the reference values of the technical directives: on-site measurements of ventilation, temperature and relative humidity and comparison with the reference values of the national technical guides
FACT SHEET #19 QUALICHECK Study Romania – Assessment of quality and compliance in the certification of energy performance of buildings
FACT SHEET #20 QUALICHECK Study Sweden – Compliance of Energy Performance Certificates (EPCs): differences between measured and calculated energy use in EPCs versus building permits
FACT SHEET #21 Quality framework for reliable fan pressurisation tests
FACT SHEET #22 Scheme of vocational qualifications in Cyprus “I have the qualifications. I certify!”
FACT SHEET #23 Procedures for determining input data for the Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) of existing residential buildings in Belgium
FACT SHEET #24 EPC database and control system for compliant EPC input data in Sweden
FACT SHEET #25 Compliant EPC input data for window thermal performance: Status for new buildings in Flanders, Belgium
FACT SHEET #26 BuildE – A method for quality assurance of energy efficient buildings
FACT SHEET #27 The Austrian building certification system IBO OEKOPASS
FACT SHEET #28 Voluntary Green Building assessment paves the way for better as-built quality
FACT SHEET #29 WE-Qualify project: Improving the Cypriot workforce skills
FACT SHEET #30 Critical situations on the construction site and ideas for quality assurance procedures: The German perspective
FACT SHEET #31 Summer thermal comfort requirements and compliance assessment frameworks
FACT SHEET #32 Requirements and compliance related to thermal bridges
FACT SHEET #33 Building air leakage rate in energy calculation and compliance procedures
FACT SHEET #34 Building Services Systems Declaration based on as-built characteristics – Province of Salzburg
FACT SHEET #35 QUALICHECK Study Spain – Different data/tools for getting EPCs
FACT SHEET #36 Investing in building energy efficiency: the role of the EPC in economic decision-making
FACT SHEET #37 Labelling schemes and their role in building related compliance frameworks
FACT SHEET #38 Compliance assessment studies in focus countries
FACT SHEET #39 Voluntary quality assurance system for retrofitting multi-unit residential buildings based on self-commitment
FACT SHEET #4 Voluntary schemes as a pool of ideas for designing and improving EPC compliance frameworks: the BOILEFF quality assurance scheme
FACT SHEET #41 In view of revised EU-directives: dealing with renewable energy systems in the EPC of energy efficient buildings
FACT SHEET #42 Selecting EPC input data for HVAC systems: a series of French guidance sheets
FACT SHEET #43 baubook – easily accessible product information for EPC calculation provided by the Austrian database
FACT SHEET #44 The quality assurance system of the German reconstruction loan corporation (KfW) in the field of energy-efficient construction and retrofitting (residential buildings)
FACT SHEET #45 The Effinergie approach to ease transitions to new regulatory requirements
FACT SHEET #46 Default values in energy performance of buildings standards
FACT SHEET #47 Quality control frameworks for cavity wall insulation
FACT SHEET #48 Belgium/Flemish Region control and penalty scheme of the energy performance legislation: checking procedure and fines
FACT SHEET #49 Easy access, compliance of EPC input data and quality assurance of EPCs
FACT SHEET #50 European certification of HVAC products can provide EPC input data
FACT SHEET #51 Increasing the expertise of building professionals for a better quality of construction: the French programme PACTE
FACT SHEET #52 QualiShell: Romanian qualification schemes for installers of opaque building elements and/or window systems
FACT SHEET #53 European solar-shading database, ES-SDA
FACT SHEET #54 Ductwork airtightness in France: regulatory context, control procedures, results
FACT SHEET #55 Belgian/Flemish evaluation scheme for ventilation systems
FACT SHEET #56 Certification of experts for the issuance of EPCs in Sweden
FACT SHEET #57 The list of energy-efficiency experts for German federal funding programmes
QUALICHeCK responds to the challenges related to compliance of Energy
Performance Certificate (EPC) declarations and the quality of the building
works. Find out more at
project is co-funded by the Intelligent Energy Europe Programme of the European
Union. The sole responsibility for the content of this article lies with the
author(s). It does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the European Union.
Neither the EASME nor the European Commission are responsible for any use that
may be made of the information contained therein.
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