On November 13 and 14, in Brussels, REHVA had the pleasure to host the REHVA Brussels Summit.

The first day of the Summit was dedicated to REHVA Strategic activities with meetings of the standing committees: Publishing and Marketing Committee PMC, Education and Training Committee, Technology and Research Committee, and Supporters Committee.

The PMC reunited to discuss the 2024 marketing goals and shared very interesting exchange concerning the future of REHVA, its dissemination and its image. The main goal for REHVA is to better disseminate its knowledge, sell its insightful guidebooks and share experiences with the professionals of HVAC.

We have had the chance to welcome certain representative of our supporters who exchanged with us marketing advice, and who helped us create new perspective. We also had the pleasure to welcome our newest Supporter: Sunfly.

Jaap Hogeling, our editor in chief of the REHVA Journal, has addressed a few words to the PMC. He presented the 2024 publication plan of the REHVA Journal, which is now available on the REHVA website. We have had amazing feedbacks from our supportive readers this year and hope to be as efficient in the following year. (create a special corner for this paragraph)


REHVA’s Technical Research Committee (TRC) gathered during the Brussels Summit over 50 technical experts from all over Europe to review the latest advancements in the HVAC field by the respective active task forces. Particularly vivid were the discussions related to the technical support for the EPBD implementation, considering the ongoing trialogue. A guidance document will be published soon. In addition, progress was reported in the development of technical documentation in other relevant fields of research; namely, occupant targeted ventilation, wastewater heat recovery, and heat pump roll-out. In addition, ideas were exchanged regarding the wide outreach and marketability of REHVA’s knowledge dissemination. Therefore, the need for joint cross-committee collaboration, especially with REHVA Supporters was stressed. New TRC members from the Romanian member association were welcomed to the committee, acknowledging their expertise and optimist about their contributions to the committee’s work. Lastly, the committee recognised the importance of continued active participation of the mottled network of technical experts and HVAC companies’ representatives to produce valuable knowledge for the European HVAC designers and building service engineers. (create a special corner for this paragraph)


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