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Hilde BreeschKU Leuven, Department of Civil Engineering,
Construction Technology Cluster, Sustainable Building, Ghent Technology
Campus, | Bart MeremaKU Leuven, Department of Civil Engineering,
Construction Technology Cluster, Sustainable Building, Ghent Technology
Campus, Belgium | Alexis VerseleKU Leuven, Department of Civil Engineering,
Construction Technology Cluster, Sustainable Building, Ghent Technology
Campus, Belgium |
One of the
major new challenges in nearly Zero Energy Buildings (nZEB)
is the increased need for cooling and risk on overheating not only during
summer, but all year round (Heiselberg, 2018).
Therefore, conceptual and building technical measures as well as energy
efficient cooling systems are needed in these nZEB
buildings to guarantee a good thermal comfort. Ventilative
cooling is an example of an energy efficient cooling method and was extensively
studied within IEA EBC Annex 62: Ventilative
Cooling. The test lecture rooms of KU Leuven Ghent Technology Campus were one
of the case studies of IEA EBC Annex 62 (see O’Sullivan and O’Donovan,
2018). This paper aims to evaluate thermal comfort in this nZEB
school building and the performances of its ventilative
cooling system.
article is based on a paper presented at the 39th
AIVC - 7thTightVent
& 5thventicool
Conference, 2018 “Smart ventilation for buildings” held on 18-19 September 2018
in Antibes Juan-Les-Pins, France.
The nZEB school building is realized at the Technology campus
Ghent of KU Leuven (Belgium) on top of an existing university building. The
building contains two large lecture rooms with a floor area of 140 m² and
a volume of 380 m³ each (see zone 1 and 2 on Figure 1).
The first floor has a medium and the second floor a light thermal mass
according to EN ISO 13790. The window-to-wall ratio is 26.5% on both
façades. The building is constructed according to the Passive House standard.
The windows are provided with automatically controlled moveable external
screens on the southwest façade. Design of the building is described more in
detail in Breesch et al. (2016).
The lecture
rooms are in use from Monday to Friday between 8h15 and 18h with a maximum
occupancy of 80 persons or 1.78 m²/pers. Figure 2
shows details of one typical week of occupancy.
Figure 1.
Section (left) and floor plan (right) of the test lecture rooms on KU Leuven
Technology campus Ghent.
Figure 2.
Typical occupancy profile in the lecture rooms during one course week (Monday
to Friday).
different principles of ventilative cooling are
implemented in this building: (1) natural night ventilation (2) an air handling
unit (AHU) that cools the supply air by controlling the modular bypass and by
using indirect evaporative cooling (IEC). Night ventilation relies on cross
ventilation through openable windows at both sides of the room (see Figure 3).
The system includes 10 motorized bottom hung windows (1.29 x 1.38 m²,
maximum opening angle of 8.8°) with a chain actuator. There are 6 windows on
the southwestern side and 4 on the northeaster side of the lecture room. The
total effective opening area of these windows is 4.0% of the floor area. The
modular bypass and IEC are part of the AHU. The maximum airflow rate is 4400 m³/h.
The maximum capacity of IEC at maximum airflow is 13.1 kW.
Figure 3.
Principle of natural night ventilation (left) and detail of motorized window
strategy of the systems consists of two parts. First, the control strategy of
the AHU (operation of bypass and IEC) during occupancy is based on internal and
external temperatures (see Figure 4 left). This strategy
actuates the supply air temperature and the air flow rate. Second, control
strategy that actuates the opening of the windows at night is based on internal
temperature and relative humidity and external weather conditions (temperature,
rain) measured on site (see Figure 4 right).
Figure 4.
Control strategy flowchart of AHU during occupancy (left) and natural night
ventilation (right).
Air Changes
Rates (ACR) as result of the opening of the windows were measured using a
tracer gas concentration decay test method (EN 12569) in March and April
2017 by Decrock and Vanvalckenborgh
(2017). The measurements were carried out in a representative zone with two
opposing windows (see Figure 5). Tracer gas was injected
and sampled in the middle of this small room and the concentration was
increased to 200 ppm. Consequently, one or two opposing windows (depending on
the test) were opened. The accuracy of the tracer gas equipment is 10% of the
measured value.
Figure 5.
Test set up tracer gas measurement.
A set of
sensors has been installed to continuously monitor indoor conditions
(temperature, CO2-concentration, relative humidity, occupancy),
operational data (of AHU, night ventilation, IEC, heating systems, etc.) and
weather data (temperature, humidity, rain, global horizontal solar radiation,
wind speed and direction) and is described in Andriamamonjy
and Klein (2015). The time step is 1 minute. Table 1
shows type and accuracy of the sensors used in this study.
Table 1. Properties of the sensors.
Parameter | Type sensor | Accuracy |
Room temperature | SE CSTHR PT1000 | ± 0.1°C |
Supply temperature | SE CSTHK HX | ± 0.4°C |
Occupancy | Acurity Crosscan Camera | ± 5% |
Outdoor temperature | Vaisala HMS82 | ± 0.3°C at 20°C |
Wind velocity | Ultrasonic 2D Anemometer | ± 0.1 m/s (0-5 m/s) |
Wind direction | Ultrasonic 2D Anemometer | ± 1 ° |
In this
paper, internal temperatures and operation of ventilative
cooling are studied during the cooling season in 2017 in the lecture room on
the first floor, i.e. from May 22th to September
30th, 2017. As there was no occupancy in July and only limited in August, these
months are excluded from the analysis.
Table 2 presents the results of the tracer
gas decay tests for single sided and cross ventilation including the local
weather conditions (wind velocity and direction) and the average indoor-outdoor
temperature difference during the test. For cross and single-sided ventilation,
the 95% confidence interval for ACR is respectively 1.21 to 2.12 and 2.17 to
4.64 h-1.
Table 2. Measured ACR with tracer gas decay during
spring 2017.
Ventilation mode | ACR (h-1) | Wind velocity (m/s) | Wind direction | ΔT (°C) |
Cross ventilation | 4,18 ± 0,42 | 1,9 | WNW | 4,3 |
Cross ventilation | 3,76 ± 0,38 | 2,1 | ESE | 1,6 |
Cross ventilation | 3,04 ± 0,30 | 2,2 | ESE | 2,4 |
Single sided | 2,05 ± 0,21 | 2,3 | SSW | No data |
Single sided | 2,00 ± 0,20 | 2,68 | S | No data |
Single sided | 1,17 ± 0,12 | 1,45 | SSW | 5,1 |
Single sided | 1,56 ± 0,16 | 1,78 | S | 8,6 |
Figure 6 presents the ratio of operation
time of the windows to the possible total opening hours by night (22h tot 6h)
and the ratio of the operation of the IEC to the operation hours of the AHU by
day. IEC and night-time ventilation are in use during 66% respectively 45% of
the time.
Figure 6.
Percentage of hours of operation of windows by night and IEC by day from May to
September 2017.
Figure 7 shows the operation of the windows
for night ventilation respectively IEC during extremely warm days in June 2017.
In that period, IEC operates the whole day and can lower the supply temperature
significantly compared to the outdoor temperature. Natural night ventilation
only operated very short time the second night in between two hot summer days
because the requirement that the outdoor temperature has to more than 2°C lower
than the room temperature was not fulfilled.
Figure 7. Operation of windows (above) and IEC (below) during an extremely warm period (21-23 June 2017).
Figure 8 presents hourly indoor operative
temperature in this lecture room, as a percentage of hours of exceedance per
month above 23°C, 25°C and 28°. During operation of the AHU, 5.1% and 0.3% of
the hours in 2017 exceeded 25°C respectively 28°C. This means a good thermal
comfort according to EN 15251.
comfort in this lecture rooms is also evaluated as a function of the running
mean outdoor temperature as defined by the Dutch adaptive temperature limits
indicator (van der Linden et al., 2006) (see Figure 9).
Overall, good thermal comfort is concluded. Only in hot summer and/or periods
with high occupancy, high indoor temperatures are monitored. In addition, very
low temperatures are noticed in September in the morning.
Figure 8.
Percentage of hours above threshold values for internal temperatures in lecture
room on 1st floor May-September 2017.
Figure 9.
Thermal comfort evaluation according to the Adaptive Temperature Limits Method
(van der Linden et al., 2006).
comfort and the performances of ventilative cooling
in the test lecture rooms of KU Leuven Ghent Technology Campus was monitored
during cooling season of 2017.
A good
thermal summer comfort was measured in the test lecture rooms. Only during heat
waves and/or periods with high occupancy rates, high indoor temperatures were
monitored. Both night-time ventilation and indirect evaporative cooling operate
very well. IEC can lower the supply temperature by day significantly compared
to the outdoor temperature. IEC is in use during more than half of the occupied
hours in the cooling season due to high internal heat gains in the lecture
The ACR of
the night-time ventilation is rather low and, in case of cross ventilation,
depends a lot on wind direction and velocity. The ACR in these lecture rooms
can be increased and made more reliable and stable by adding mechanical
exhaust. However, this measure will also increase the fan energy.
extensive data monitoring system was of great value to detect malfunctions, to
improve the control of the building systems and optimize the whole building
performance. Monitoring showed e.g. that the windows for night ventilation
opened and closed a lot at night during the first weeks. This was due to (1)
bad translation of the signal of the rain sensor and (2) peaks in the wind
velocity. These parameters are part of the control of the windows. This
malfunctioning was discovered and solved by analysing the monitoring results.
attention must be paid to the users. A lot of different teachers give classes
in these lecture rooms. Most of them are not used to automated blinds,
ventilation and ventilative cooling. They open the
door to the corridor and the windows even when it is warm outside and
consequently cause a decrease in thermal comfort. It is important to educate
and inform the users about the operation of the automated system to come to a
comfortable and energy efficient building.
Andriamamonjy, R., Klein, R. (2015), A modular, open system
for testing ventilation and cooling strategies in extremely low energy lecture
rooms, in 36th AIVC Conference, Madrid, 22-23 September 2015.
Breesch H., Wauman B., Klein
R., Versele A. (2016) Design of a new nZEB test school building, REHVA
European HVAC Journal, 53 (1), pp.17-20.
Decrock, D., Vanvalckenborgh
G. (2017). Evaluation of the cooling potential of
natural night ventilation in the test lecture rooms (in Dutch), M. Sc. Thesis, KU Leuven.
EN ISO 13790
(2008) Energy performance of buildings - Calculation of energy use for space
heating and cooling. (withdrawn and replaced by EN ISO 52016-1:2017
Energy performance of buildings — Energy needs for heating and cooling,
internal temperatures and sensible and latent head loads —Part 1: Calculation
EN ISO 12569
(2001) Thermal insulation in buildings – Determination of air change in
buildings – Tracer gas dilution method.
EN 15251
(2007) Indoor environmental input parameters for design and assessment of
energy performance of buildings addressing indoor air quality, thermal
environment, lighting and acoustics. (withdrawn and replaced
by EN 16798-1:2019 Energy performance of buildings — Part 1: Indoor
environmental input parameters for design and assessment of energy performance
of buildings addressing indoor air quality, thermal environment, lighting and
acoustics — Module M1-6).
Heiselberg, P. (ed.) (2018). Ventilative Cooling Design Guide,
IEA EBC Annex 62, Aalborg University, Aalborg, Denmark,
O’Sullivan, P.,
O’Donnovan, A. (ed.) (2018). Ventilative Cooling Case Studies, IEA EBC Annex 62, Aalborg
University, Aalborg, Denmark,
der Linden, A.C., Boerstra, A.C., Raue,
A.K., Kurvers, S.R., de Dear, R. (2006). Adaptive
temperature limits: a new guideline in The Netherlands A new approach for the
assessment of building performance with respect to thermal indoor climate. Energy and Buildings, 38 (1) 8-17.
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