CLIMA2019 workshops

CLIMA 2019 continues with the longstanding tradition to offer several practical, interactive workshops beside the plenary paper sessions. The workshops are organised by REHVA and its international sister associations, European research and innovation projects, as well as REHVA supporter companies representing leading HVAC manufactures and service providers.  We are happy to announce the first set of interesting workshops awaiting our CLIMA 2019 participant.

Download here the REHVA report No.7 on CLIMA2019 workshops

Venue: National Library of Romania, Bulevardul Unirii 22, București 030833
Day 1 - Monday 27 May 2019
10:3010:30-13:00 | Meeting room: Celibidache
Workshop no. 1
The Value of Good Performance; How High-Performance Buildings Protect the Asset value and Increase your Bottom Line
BRE-Building Research Establishment

10:30-13:00 | Meeting room: Mehedinti
Workshop no. 2
The Power of the Cloud
Belimo Automation AG
10:30-13:00 | Meeting room: Ciulei
Workshop no. 3
Third-party confidence for building projects: Eurovent tools to deliver value
10:30-12:00 | Meeting room: GM-01 Room
Workshop no. 4
Why people matter? Exploitation strategies for people-centred design TripleA-reno & MOBISTYLE projects
15:3015:30-18:00 | Meeting room: Ciulei
Workshop no. 5
Supporting dissemination and roll-out of the set of Energy Performance of Building (EPB) Standards
16:0016:00-17:30 | Meeting room: GM-10 Room
Workshop no. 7
Building commissioning in Europe
16:00-17:30 | Meeting room: GM-04 Room
Workshop no. 8
NZEB concepts in Europe and Japan REHVA & SHASE
Day 2 - Tuesday 28 May 2019
10:3010:30-12:00 | Meeting room: GM-10 Room
Workshop no. 13
Costs and benefits of antibacterial filter and its effects on energy saving, human health and worker productivity
10:30-13:00 | Meeting room: Celibidache
Workshop no. 9
Indoor Environment Design for Smart Buildings
10:30-13:00 | Meeting room: Mehedinti
Workshop no. 10
Energy renovation of building stock towards nZEB levels - How to prepare the market for the challenge?
Fit-to-nZEB & iBRoad, Grundfos Romania
10:30-12:00 | Meeting room: EM-02 Room
Workshop no. 11
BACS supported performance, technical monitoring and certified commissioning of HVAC systems
REHVA & eu.bac
10:30-12:00 | Meeting room: GM-10 Room
Workshop no. 12
Energy in Buildings  Paths in Europe and China - Two Zooming Experiences
16:0016:00-17:30 | Meeting room: Celibidache
Workshop no. 14
Towards optimized performance, design, and comfort in hybridGEOTABS buildings
16.00-17.30 | Meeting room: GM-10 Room
Workshop no. 15
Progress in demandoriented non-uniform air distributions City University of Hong Kong & Technical University of Denmark
Day 3 - Wednesday 29 May 2019
10:3010:30-13:00 | Meeting room: Celibidache
Workshop no. 16
BIM FOR Built Environment
10:30-13:00 | Meeting room: Ciulei
Workshop no. 17
Advanced HVAC/R Measurement Technology and Indoor Air Quality Monitoring
10:30-12:00 | Meeting room: GM-10 Room
Workshop no. 18
Evidence-based ventilation needs and development process of future standards

Workshop no. 8

Title: NZEB concepts in Europe and Japan

Organiser: REHVA & SHASE
Chairs: Jarek Kurnitski, REHVA; Gyuyoung Yoon, SHASE
Speakers: Jarek Kurnitski, REHVA and Gyuyoung Yoon, SHASE (Chairs); 
Hideharu Niwa, SHASE
Short description: Recent developments of nearly zero and zero energy requirements in EU and Japan are discussed and possibilities to benchmark NZEB performance levels in different climates and countries will be analysed in more general. The aim is to show how energy performance requirements are set and how these can be compared so that climatic differences, national input data and calculation rules are taken into account.

Click here to read the workshop's description

Workshop no. 18

Title: Evidence-based ventilation needs and development process of future standards
Organiser: REHVA & ISIAQ
Chairs: Jarek Kurnitski, REHVA; Pawel Wargocki, ISIAQ
Speakers: Jarek Kurnitski, REHVA and Pawel Wargocki, ISIAQ; 
Bjarne Olesen, William Bahnfleth
Short description: Recent research findings, their interpretation and meaning for ventilation system sizing is discussed with the aim to establish evidence-based design criteria of ventilation rates for residential and non-residential buildings. The workshop attempts to summarize existing evidence, possible knowledge gaps and to specify further actions what are needed to implement evidence-based ventilation rate values into future indoor climate standards such as EN 16798-1:2019 and possibly some other ventilation standards.

Click here to read the workshop's description

Workshop no. 5

Organiser: REHVA, EPB Center, EPEE, EVIA

Chairs: Jaap Hogeling, Dick van Dijk

Short description: The EPB Center ( has been set up to support the uptake of the (CEN and CEN ISO) Energy Performance of Buildings standards developed under EC Mandate M/480, by providing tailored information, technical assistance and capacity building services for involved stakeholders. The purpose of this workshop is to inform the participants about the ongoing activities, more importantly to interact and obtain feedback from professionals involved or interested in the EPB assessment and in the implementation of the related articles of the recently revised EPBD.

Click here to read the workshop's description

Workshop no. 11

Title: BACS supported performance, technical monitoring and certified commissioning of HVAC systems
Organiser: REHVA & eu.bac
Chairs: Atze Boerstra, REHVA; Peter Hug, eu.bac
Speakers:  Pau Garcia Audi, European Commission-DG ENERGY; Bonnie Brooks - Siemens/eu.bac; Stefan Plesser, synavision; Cormac Ryan, CoPilot
Short description: This workshop will present the wide spectrum of tools supported by BACS to improve and optimize HVAC systems’ performance and make it transparent to building owners and operators. Speakers will present requirements of the revised EPBD, discuss the role of BACS in ongoing commissioning with outlook to the future, present BACS supported technical monitoring tools and introduce the COPILOT commissioning certification scheme developed with contribution of REHVA Member Associations and other partners.

Click here to read the workshop's description

Workshop no. 14

Title: Towards optimized performance, design, and comfort in hybridGEOTABS buildings
Organiser: hybridGEOTABS
Chair: Lieve Helsen, KULeuven
Speakers: Lieve Helsen, KULeuven; Eline Himpe, UGent; Ongun Berk Kazanci, DTU; Qian Wang, Uponor/KTH; Wim Boydens, Boydens Engineering; Jelle Laverge, UGent
Short description: HybridGEOTABS refers to the integration of GEOTABS (Geothermal heat pumps in combination with Thermally Activated Building Systems) with secondary heating and cooling systems. This technology offers huge potential to meet heating and cooling needs throughout Europe in a sustainable way, while providing a very comfortable conditioning of the indoor space. This workshop will discuss the effects of radiant heating and cooling systems on IEQ, as well as the proper design of hybridGEOTABS buildings.

Click here to read the workshop's description

Workshop no. 7

Title: “Building commissioning in Europe”
Organiser: QUANTUM
Chairs: Stefan Plesser, Ole Teisen
Speakers: Stefan Plesser, IGS TU Braunschweig; Jan Mehnert, IGS; Ole Teisen, Sweco; Manuel Krempl, E7; Cormac Ryan, CoPilot

Short Description:

New buildings and deep retrofits with their sophisticated systems for heating, cooling and air conditioning are rather complicated technical systems. Especially building automation and control systems with their new IT-protocols and technical requirements have added complexity to building projects. Apparently, they are a huge challenge to designers, engineers, construction companies and facilities managers. As a consequence, the performance gap appeared: buildings do not work as intended and miss their initial performance targets in operation. This is doubly costly: first, design and construction cause additional cost and then, later, operation cost are also higher than expected.

A solution to this problem can be found in other industries: quality management. In engineering, “quality” describes the degree, to which a set of inherent characteristics of an object fulfills requirements. In short: a building owner should get what he pays for!

Consequently, “quality management” is a process of supporting the fulfillment of requirements. Over the last years, two services have evolved as reliable quality management services and are becoming increasingly popular: Technical Monitoring and Commissioning.

The workshop will present the current stage of quality management for building performance. It addresses especially building owners, engineers, facility management and contracting companies with their individual perspective on quality.

This workshop is part of the project ‘QUANTUM – Quality management for building performance’ and has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 680529.

Click here to read the workshop's description

Workshop no. 4

Title: Why people matter? Exploitation strategies for people-centred design
Organiser: TripleA-reno & MOBISTYLE projects Chair: Dr. Simona D’Oca, 
Huygen Engineers & Consultants 
Speakers: Dr. Simona D’Oca, Huygen Engineers & Consultants; Dr. Dan Podjed, Institute for Innovation and Development of the University of Ljubljana; Ana Tisov, Huygen Engineers & Consultants
Short description: the workshop is organised by the H2020 projects TripleA-reno and MOBISTYLE, which both adopted a people-centred approach to improve the performance of the European building stock reaching beyond the focus on technology-driven solutions. The workshop will introduce the TripleA-reno and MOBISTYLE open ICT solutions, followed by a dynamic interactive brainstorm session around the following questions: What problems can the gamified platforms and ICT solutions solve for the engineering branch? Why these open platforms are better than the existing ones? What results do these projects offer for engineers and manufacturers? Who are the users of these innovative solutions and how can we better deliver the tools to them?

Click here to read the workshop's description

Workshop no. 2

Title: The Power of the Cloud
Organiser: Belimo Automation AG
Chairs: Dr. Marc Thuillard
Speakers: Dr. Marc Thuillard, Dipl. Ing. Marc Steiner, Dipl. Ing. Forest Reider 
Short description: This workshop presents how the power of the cloud can benefit the HVAC industry, by facilitating the exchange of information between stakeholders, it can affect the entire lifecycle of a building. The design, commissioning, operation and maintenance can leverage the cloud as a medium to store and share information, configure and monitor devices, and provide a gateway to integrate technologies.  It provides a medium for transparency, intelligent monitoring, and optimization. 

Click here to read the full Workshop Description

Workshop no. 1

Title: The Value of Good Performance - How High-Performance Buildings Protect the Asset value and Increase your Bottom Line”
Organiser: BRE- Building Research Establishment (BRE) UK Ltd. 
Sponsor: BRE Global
Speakers: Dr. Andy Lewry and James Fisher, presenters of case studies (TBC) 
Short description: The discussion would address questions such as: we have the ability to design good buildings and the knowledge to operate them in an effective and efficient manner – so why doesn’t it happen? Why doesn’t the design feed through to performance-in-use? “The performance gap”, with increased energy usage of between 200-450%: what are causes and how can this be remedied? What is the effect on the asset and its value from poor performance?  The second session will be a showcase for high performance buildings in Romania – Where 4 cases where presented and then the discussion on how the sustainable performance and certification was achieved.

Click here to read the full description of the Workshop

Workshop no. 12

Title: Costs and benefits of antibacterial filter and its effects on energy saving, human health and worker productivity

Organiser: Rhoos S.p.A
Sponsor: Rhoos S.p.A
Speakers: Leonardo Prendin - Marketing Director, Micaela Ranieri – Product Manager

Short description: The discussion would present the results of a literature review aimed at exploring how to integrate the health and performance effects on building occupants into the economic benefits of the antibacterial filter. In detail, the research focuses on the methods used to evaluate costs and benefits produced by the application of a biocidal filter, comparing it with a traditional one, by means of computing both direct costs (related to hospitalization and antibiotic treatment) and indirect costs (mainly identified with the loss of working days). Therefore, this workshop will try to enhance the focus on energy technology developing an analysis of the impact on human health and employee performance.

Click here to read the full Workshop Description

Workshop no. 3

Title: Third-party confidence for building projects: Eurovent tools to deliver value
Speakers: Erick Melquiond - President of Eurovent Certita Certification; Thibaud De Loynes -Project Director of Prodbim; Cormac Ryan -Project Director of Copilot

Short description: As quality is critical to risk management, Eurovent Certita Certification have developed a portfolio of solutions to help you de-risk your products and projects. Third party certification provides the best assurance that “you get what it says on the box”. This reassurance adds value as it de-risks products and projects. Eurovent offers third party certification of HVAC products and projects. They cover the entire lifecycle of HVAC from manufacture to installed operation. 

The workshop will introduce you to:

1. ECP certification programme: focus on Indoor Air Quality
2. HVAC Products data from PIM to BIM: PRODBIM
3. The installation and operation of HVAC equipment: COPILOT Building Commissioning Solutions

Click here to read the workshops full description

Workshop no. 10

Title: Energy renovation of building stock towards nZEB levels: How to prepare the market for the challenge?
Organiser: Fit-to-nZEB and iBRoad projects, Grundfos Pompe Romania
Sponsor: Fit-to-nZEB and iBRoad projects, Grundfos Pompe Romania
Speakers: Horia Petran, INCD URBAN-INCERC & Cluster Pro-nZEB Dragomir Tzanev (Eneffect), Octavian Serban (Grundfos Pompe Romania)
Short description: The workshop is organised by the H2020 projects iBRoad (Individual Building Renovation Roadmaps) and Fit-to-NZEB (…) together with Grundfos Romania representing the BetterHome initiative. The workshop focuses on developing and combining effective tools to facilitate deep energy renovation of existing building stock at high performance levels in order to support the achievement of decarbonising targets for 2050.

Click here to read the workshop's description

Title: Daikin Award Competition (Final)
Organiser & Sponsor: DAIKIN
Speakers: tbc
Short description: Daikin is looking to invite for papers amongst (PhD) students based on subjects provided by Daikin. Prior to the event, papers assigned to poster presentation session will be nominated for the Daikin award and presentations will be held in a workshop organized by Daikin including a jury to select the final price winner. The presentations will be mixed with short Daikin presentations on subjects of interest to the (academic) stakeholders. A special team of reviewers (experts in Daikin and also external reviewers) will make a selection of 8 nominated papers. The 8 nominations will be requested to present the paper (15 minutes each) for a special jury during CLIMA 2019. The jury will select the final winner.

Workshop no. 17

Title: Advanced HVAC/R measurement Technology and Indoor Air Quality Monitoring
Speakers: Horatiu Basa 
Short description: This workshop presents the latest measurement technology in the HVAC/R market and will demonstrate how SMART instrumentation is able to considerably reduce the commissioning time and costs for any HVAC/R technician. The communication between the measuring instruments and mobile devices is a huge benefit for any technician who wants to become more efficient. Testo will also present the latest, state of the art and unique instrument for Indoor Air Quality analysis and measurement of the VAC systems.

Click here to read more on the Workshop Description

Workshop no. 13

Title: Energy in Buildings-Paths in Europe and Chine-Two Zooming Experiences
Organiser & sponsor: REHVA & CCHVAC
Speakers: Prof. Xu Wei, China Academy of Building Research, Prof. Manuel Gameiro da Silva, University of Coimbra, Prof. Liu Xiaohua, Qsinghua University, Prof. Risto Kosonen, Aalto University, Prof. Wang Yong, Chongqing University, Prof Guangyu Cao, NTNU

Short description: From each side, there will be 3 presentations corresponding to different scales when studying the problem of Energy in Buildings.

1) A large-scale presentation about energy markets, primary energy data, targets regarding energy efficiency and emissions, etc
2) A medium scale presentation about buildings and urban environment, where topics like smart cities, nearly zero energy buildings, nearly zero energy districts and integration of renewables may be addressed;
3) A micro-scale presentation related to indoor environmental quality, where monitoring web-based tools, human factors, the smart readiness indicator (for the European side) may be the topics for the presentation.

Workshop no. 16

Title: BIM for Built Environment
Organiser & sponsor: IMTECH BELGIUM and ALLBIM NET
Chair: Dan Moraru & Jeroen Van Parijs 
Speakers: Jeroen Van Parijs/Belgium, Dan Moraru/Romania, eng. Alin Epure/Dubai, arch. Andrei Uleia/Romania, eng. Eugen Rotariu/Norway, eng. Ciprian Popa-PhD Student/Romania
Short description: BIM is an essential step to move the construction industry into a digital world. Building Owners, Contractors, Architects, Structural Engineers, Building Services Engineers should work hand-in-hand, in a virtual environment, to design modern, cost and energy efficient buildings, according to client requirements and with the latest norms. The speakers will have individual presentations in which they cover the following topics:

  • Green BIM Project Study cases
  • Green Design Approach using challenging materials
  • BIM in education

Click here to read the full Workshop Description

Workshop no. 9

Title: Indoor Environment Design for Smart Buildings 
Organiser & sponsor: HALTON 
Speakers: Prof. Arsen Melikov, Technical University of Denmark (DTU), Dr. Panu Mustakallio, Halton Oy, Prof. Risto Kosonen, Aalto University
Short description: This workshop presents and discusses the intelligent indoor climate technologies for smart buildings. The workshop focuses to non-residential buildings. It starts from the overall target of providing and ensuring wellbeing for building occupants.

The need for paradigm shift in generating indoor environment that complies with the needs of smart buildings is presented. Design options focused on providing indoor climate for single or group of occupants in smart buildings is discussed. In such buildings the design of indoor climate system sets boundaries for smart management of indoor conditions. Important question is how to assess indoor environment in future buildings. Current and future methods for control and assessment of indoor environment is presented and discussed.

The design of Halton Vario demand based indoor climate system for smart office building is introduced. This design enables flexible variable airflows in spaces with different needs, based on intelligent room units with sensors and user interfaces. The system responds to floor layout changes and operates in energy efficient manner. Case study of Halton Vario system in European research project LowUp is presented.

Room systems as a service platform for smart buildings is introduced. The performance of the concept is demonstrated in seven meeting rooms of an educational building. The main benefits of the novel, smart system compared to the standard ones are the improved monitoring of the ventilation system performance, enhanced controllability of indoor climate in energy efficient manner, and improved users’ perception on the indoor climate. Overview of the trends in smart management of indoor climate conditions with the Smart Readiness Indicator (SRI) for buildings as established by the European Union is presented.

There will be discussion and brainstorming of the subject between the presentations. 

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