Under the framework of the BIM-SPEED EU funded project, an EU-wide survey on BIM adoption and use by European SMEs was conducted between October and December 2020.  The survey was filled in by 269 respondents from 24 European countries.

A summary of the key takeaways is presented below:

  • BIM usage has been increasing steadily, with higher adoption rates observed after 2016
  • 40% of the responders were involved in BIM renovation projects
  • Competitiveness and sustainability are the main external motivations for using BIM
  • Lack of skills and awareness are the main barriers for BIM adoption by SMEs
  • Personal networks and conferences are key drivers for innovation adoption
  • Only 3,8% of the respondents claim that they are on track to use the full potential of BIM

Note: RHEVA’s Technology and Research Committee has a new task force on BIM and it is open for external experts, especially from REHVA Supporters’ companies.


Click here to access the results

Click here to learn more about BIM-SPEED project

Click here to visit BIM-SPEED website

Contact Spyridon Pantelis (sp(at)rehva.eu) if you are interested to participate to the BIM task force of the Technology and Research Committee.

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