REHVA presents the updated version 2.0 of its calculator to estimate the effect of ventilation on COVID-19 airborne transmission. This new version takes into account new developments in the COVID-19 pandemic and its variants.
This 2.0 version includes the following updates:
- Quanta emission rate representative values are changed from 85th percentile of preprint to 66th percentile
- Introduction of virus variant multipliers to deal with Alpha and Delta variants
- Complementary measures, such as portable air cleaners and facial masks
- Probability of infection calculation is extended to the event reproduction number with new curves for model rooms
This calculator was developed by Prof. Jarek Kurnitski and the REHVA COVID-19 Task Force for specialists with at least a minimum understanding of ventilation and air distribution. The tool is available for download for experts who have read and understood the related COVID-19 guidance document, as well as the explanation on the use of the tool or are enrolled in the REHVA COVID-19 course.
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