Table of content 14 chapters
Will the outcome of COP21 stimulate the EU member states to accelerate the building and HVAC sector towards a carbon-free build environment?
Page 05
Experiences with Ventilative Cooling in Practical Application
Pages 07 - 10
Natural ventilative cooling in school buildings in Sicily
Pages 12 - 16
Design of a new nZEB test school building
Pages 17 - 20
Ventilative cooling in shopping centers’ retrofit
Pages 21 - 25
Single-sided ventilative cooling performance in a low energy retrofitSingle-sided ventilative cooling performance in a low energy retrofit
Pages 26 - 30
Overheating assessment of energy renovations
Pages 32 - 35
Ventilative cooling of a seminar room using active PCM thermal storage
Pages 36 - 40
Control of indoor air quality by demand controlled ventilation
Pages 41 - 45
ISO 11855 - The international Standard on the Design, dimensioning, installation and control of embedded radiant heating and cooling systems
Pages 46 - 53
Retrofitting of the HVAC plant of an elderly people residential care home
Pages 54 - 61
Effects of Different Heat and Cold Generation Scenario (Heat Pump versus District Heating and Chiller) in a Building with Variable Air Volume versus Demand Controlled Ventilation Systems
Pages 62 - 66
Acoustic Evaluation of Floating Floors with Housekeeping Pads
Pages 67 - 70
The Cold Climate 2015 conference and the Industrial Ventilation conferences in China during 19-28.10.2015
Pages 74 - 75