CIBSE Guide B4: Noise and vibration control for building services systems (2016) By: CIBSE
This document, which forms chapter 4 of CIBSE Guide B, provides guidance to building services engineers and others involved in the design of building services on the generation, prediction, assessment and control of noise and vibration from building services, so that designers may produce systems which meet acceptable noise limits.
CIBSE Guide B: Combined index to CIBSE Guide sections B0, B1 to B4 By: CIBSE
This combined index allows for navigation of topics across the complete Guide.
CIBSE Guide C: Reference data (2007) (includes CD-ROM) By: CIBSE
The Guide is made up of 6 sections: 1. Properties of Humid Air 2. Properties of Water and Steam 3. Heat Transfer 4. Flow of Fluids in Pipes and Ducts 5. Fuels and Combustion 6. Units, Standards and Mathematical Data.
CIBSE Guide G: Public health and plumbing engineering (2015) By: CIBSE
Produced in collaboration with the Chartered Institute of Plumbing and Heating Engineering (CIPHE) and content is reflected in its new title.
CIBSE Guide H: Building control systems (2009) By: CIBSE
Good controls are essential for the safe and efficient operation of a modern building.