1.06 HVAC facilities in hospitals By: ATECYR
The air conditioning of hospital environments represents one of the most complex installations that a specialist HVAC engineer must face. This document describes the indispensable requirements of the different hospital environments and develops some of the usual techniques used to achieve them.
2.02 Indoor air quality By: ATECYR
This guide analyzes the parameters that must be taken into account in the design of a new installation or in the reform of an existing one, ensuring a correct indoor air quality.
2.03 Acoustics in air installations By: ATECYR
In this guidebook, the basic acoustic concepts are explained. The objective is to understand the noise produced by the HVAC installations, evaluate it and be able to propose solutions for its reduction.
2.04 Acoustics in air conditioning installations: Practical cases By: ATECYR
The guidebook collects the noise problems resulting from the operation of an air conditioning system, and the most widespread anti-noise measures. The guidebook proposes and solves several practical cases, analyzes the problems of real installations and includes the necessary calculation methodology for optimal acoustics.
2.05 Outdoor air quality: ODAs maps of the main cities of Spain By: ATECYR
This guidebook colletcs the average values of the measurement stations of the atmospheric polution of the main cities of Spain: A Coru
3.01 Psychrometry By: ATECYR
This guidebook is about the psychometric transformations in humid air. In air conditioning it is necessary to know precisely the properties of humid air, and its possible transformations, since this will be the main working fluid that will evolve within the Air Treatment Units (ATU) and the areas within the buildings
4.01 Calculation of pressure losses and design criteria. (Revised edition) By: ATECYR
This guidebook explains all the variables that are necessary to know for the correct hydraulic design of an HVAC installation. Describes the calculation of pressure losses that must be estimated in all hydraulic circuits. In addition, the strategies for a correct sizing and balancing of the primary and secondary circuits are esplained in detail.
4.02 Hydraulic circuits and pump selection By: ATECYR
This guidebook details the calculation and selection of hydraulic pumps in building installations, their operation and the design of the circuits for the correct operation of the installation as a whole.