CIBSE Guide K: Electricity in buildings (2004) By: CIBSE
This Guide will be invaluable for anyone thinking of installing new or renewable power sources. Energy managers, facilities managers and building owners/operators will also find this Guide a fund of essential and interesting information.
CIBSE Guide M: Maintenance engineering and management (2014) By: CIBSE
A guide for designers, maintainers, building owners and operators and facilities managers.
Technical Memoranda TM52: Limits of thermal comfort: avoiding overheating in European buildings (2013) By: CIBSE
This Technical Memorandum (TM) is about predicting overheating in buildings. It is intended to inform designers, developers and others responsible for defining the indoor environment in buildings.
Technical Memoranda TM59: Design methodology for the assessment of overheating risk in homes (2017) By: CIBSE
Assessing overheating risk in homes is a complex issue and not adequately assessed by building regulations.
Technical Memoranda TM60: Good practice in the design for homes (2018) By: CIBSE
This Technical Memorandum (TM) aims to help building services engineers and other professionals working on the planning, design and construction of homes: to understand and demonstrate good practice; to understand the relevant guidance, tools and other resources available; and to contribute to delivering good practice as part of a wider design team.
Codes of Practice CP1: Heat networks: Code of Practice for the UK (2015) By: CIBSE
If heat networks are to form a significant part of our future low carbon energy infrastructure in the UK, and meet client and customer expectations, then they need to be designed, built and operated to a high quality. This Code has been produced to assist in achieving that aim by raising standards right across the supply chain.