Table of content 12 chapters


Global solutions

Jaap Hogeling
Pages 4 - 4

Green or not green - Feedback on the EU classification system for green investment

Johann Zirngibl, Jana Bendžalová
Pages 5 - 9

Thermal impact of street canyon microclimate on the energy performance of courtyard under Mediterranean climate

Adnane M’Saouri El Bat, Zaid Romani, Emmanuel Bozonnet, Abdeslam Draoui
Pages 10 - 16

PV Assisted Heat Recovery Ventilation System for nZEB at Mediterranean Climate

Aslı Birtürk, Orhan Ekren, Sinan Aktakka, Macit Toksoy
Pages 17 - 21

Theoretical and actual energy behaviour of a cost-optimal based NZEB

I. Abbà, G. Crespi, C. Lingua, C. Becchio, S.P. Corgnati
Pages 22 - 27

Smart Readiness Indicator for building – integration in the ALDREN EPC

Johann Zirngibl, Pierre Boisson, Olivier Greslou, Jana Bendzalova
Pages 28 - 36

Filter Class Conversion between EN 779 and EN ISO 16890-1

Jiří Hemerka, Pavel Vybíral
Pages 37 - 45

Can we still trust in EN 442? New Operating Definitions for Radiators – Part 1: Measurements and Simulations

R. Gritzki, C. Felsmann, M. Rösler, A. Gritzki, M. Iivonen, J. Naumann
Pages 46 - 53

CO₂ monitoring and indoor air quality

Özgür Küçükhüseyin
Pages 54 - 59

Can HVAC Systems Spread the Coronavirus / COVID-19?

Cate Shaw
Pages 61 - 68

Protecting Transportation Workers and Passengers from COVID: Gaps in Safety, Lessons Learned and Next Steps” – Testimony of William P. Bahnfleth, ASHRAE

William P. Bahnfleth
Pages 69 - 74

Interview with Tuba Bingöl Altıok – Recipient of the 2020 REHVA Fellow award

Tuba Bingöl Altıok
Pages 75 - 76

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