Table of content 19 chapters
CLIMA 2022 conference papers on the theme HEALTH & COMFORT
Pages 5 - 5
Evaluation of preventive measures in mitigating the risk of airborne infection of COVID-19
Pages 7 - 11
Aerosol transmission in rotary wheel heat exchangers
Pages 12 - 16
Development of a non-contact modular screening clinic (NCMSC) for COVID-19
Pages 18 - 22
Thermal inactivation of the corona virus (SARS-CoV-2) in air volumes
Pages 24 - 30
Health and energy assessment of a demand controlled mechanical extraction ventilation system
Pages 31 - 39
Low-temperature radiant cooling panel for hot and humid climate
Pages 40 - 45
Impact of future climate on the performances of ground-source cooling system
Pages 46 - 54
A Multi-Domain Approach to Explanatory and Predictive Thermal Comfort Modelling in Offices
Pages 56 - 61
Exploring futures of summer comfort in Dutch households
Pages 63 - 68
Correlation of subjective and objective air quality data in shopping centres as a function of air temperature and relative humidity
Pages 69 - 74
Cross-infection risk between two people standing close to each other at different room temperatures
Pages 75 - 75
Smart air quality control in residences for optimised energy use and improved health of occupants
Pages 76 - 80
Why a unified IAQ approach is critical to securing public health
Pages 81 - 83
Next-Generation Energy Performance Certificates. What novel implementation do we need?
Pages 84 - 88
Healthy Homes Design Competition: “reTHINK living”
Pages 89 - 93
Tiny Homes – A Tiny solution to a big problem
Pages 94 - 97
Meet the BIM-SPEED Competition Winners & Finalists
Pages 98 - 101